Chapter XI

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"Hi, babe." Jesse came home to his wife with open arms and she hugged him crying.
"Where's the baby?"
"He's sleeping."
"Oh. I'm-I'm sorry I-"
She slapped him. "If you ever try to leave me again god damn it, I swear I'll turn your hide into a rug."
"I'm sorry babe, I was delusional." He explained.
"You have a family Jess. Do you want him to grow up knowing that his father has got up and left one day?"
"No, Nicole I-"
"Do you want him to end up like you and your father?"
Jesse began to cry. "I turn my back on you and leave and this is the treatment I get when I return?!" "Nicole, I have been punched in the nose, the eye and I have been kicked in the balls, I am sore as a damn mangy dog. I don't really want to deal with you yelling at me especially after we had a ******* baby!"
"Jess, I'm sorry."
"If you need me, I'll be in my office." He sneered, putting his hands in his pockets and he walked in the house.
"Baby, I-"
"And we're not having sex tonight." He added.
"Unless you can convince me to have sex."
"Convince you?" She asked and thought evilly of a way to convince him.

Mr. Whitfield- By: Riley Rivers Where stories live. Discover now