Chapter I

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It was a day unlike any other, it was finally autumn. The leaves were falling off the trees and covered the ground in their neutral tones. There was a slight breeze out and the wind tickled his gray wool coat. He pulled the coat firmly around him since it got quite chilly. His icicle hands pulled his scarf down and he checked his watch.
"Dang it! I'm supposed to be teaching that class Mr. Hughes assigned me. I'll be in boiling water when he sees me!"
He shuddered at the scary thought and ran down the brick walkway to the High school. He bumped into a young woman and he dropped his papers and glasses.
"I-I made you drop your stuff. How clumsy of me! I'm very sorry miss-" He stuttered.
"Needham. Nicole Needham." She picked up his glasses, wiped them off on her flower dress and gave them back to him.
"Uh. Jesse Whitfield." He shook her hand and she helped him pick up his papers.
"Oh, you're the new teacher. So you teach-"
"Physics I and II as well as Chemistry."
"I teach History. You should stop by my classroom sometime."
"Heh, I was just thinking you should do the same."
"I guess I'll see you later then."
"See you later. Wait!" He stopped her. "Do you want to, I don't know-sit together at lunch?"
"Sure, maybe I can get to know you better."
"Yeah..." He gazed into thought of him and her becoming more than just friends.
"Well, I will see you at lunch, Jesse."
"See ya." He waved with a smile and dashed into the school building. Students were all over chatting and laughing near the lockers. Jesse gave one group a wave and a nervous smile and they just ignored him. He began to cram his papers in his computer bag when a big figure stood over him and made him look up.
"Whitfield. Just whom I thought I'd see." The figure crossed his arms with a frown.
"Hey, boss! You see I was just fixing to go to my-" Jesse smiled widely.
"You're late Mr. Whitfield. That's not a very good first impression to make to your new boss."
"I'm sorry boss, it won't happen again I promise." Mr. Whitfield apologized.
"Hmph, like you could keep a promise Jesse." Principal Hughes chuckled.
"I'll be here early tomorrow!" Jesse shouted as his boss left to go back to his office.
"You better. Oh and Jesse, meet me in my office after school." He added, closing his wooden glass door.
"I messed up. 'Meet me after school' doesn't sound so good for the first day on the job. Just keep it together, Jess and you won't lose this job like your last one at the grocery store." Mr. Whitfield chided to himself and recalled the grocery store incident that lost his job. He had everything the way his boss had wanted. The milk was on the shelf which seemed peculiar to just let milk sit out. Jesse had tried to tell his boss and he yelled at him.
"I want the milk on the shelf! Don't ask questions boy!"
After his shift was over he had moved the milk into the refrigerators and it steamed his boss.
"Aw, damn it boy! I told you to put the blasted milk on the shelf! It's old and we're trying to get rid of it, not sell it." His boss grabbed the milk and shoved it to him.
"Oof! What do you want me to do with it?" Jesse asked and his boss grinned.
"Open it and drink it." He ordered.
"All of it?"
"Yes, all of it."
Mr. Whitfield twisted the blue cap off and smelled the curdled milk. He gagged and refused disgustedly. "It stinks. How old is it?"
"What did I tell you about asking questions! Drink it."
"I'm not drinking that crap. Why don't you drink it?" He insisted, handing him the jug.
"No, I want you to learn something here. Now drink it up." His boss gritted his teeth.
Jesse's throat clenched and he closed his eyes as he sipped the odorous milk down.
"I don't have all day. Chug it!"
Mr. Whitfield's eyes opened and he gulped down every last drop. Milk dripped from his mouth and he finally finished. He twisted the cap back on and handed the empty jug to his boss. "What kind of lesson did I learn here?" Jesse burped fouly.
"You learned that when I say milk is bad it is bad and that I fire dumb asses." He kicked him out onto the sidewalk.
"It looked fine when I checked it! Milk will go bad if you leave it out, stupid..." Mr. Whitfield grumbled and threw up the curdled milk.
Jesse shuddered and he opened the door of his classroom. All of the High school students eyed him as he walked to his desk. It was like a flock of buzzards waiting for the right move to snatch up their prey.
"I apologize for being late, my alarm clock didn't go off until 8:30."
The classroom was dead silent. The only sound was from a teen who pulled out a pack of gum and began chewing it loudly. "You going to teach us or what?" He asked rudely.
"I have to get my student roster first." He pulled out his roster. "What is your name?"
"Chad Barnes."
"I don't see you-oh there you are. Chad Barnes." He marked the roster.
"I've been here for like 2 years, so my name is going to be there."
"I-I got it Chad, thank you. Can you stop chewing gum in my class?"
"Why? I got a condition."
"Which is?"
"I don't give a crap." He replied and all the students ooed.
"Mr. Barnes, I'm letting you off with a warning. I don't know if you're having a bad day or what, but I'd appreciate it if you would lose that sour attitude."
"Or what?"
"You have one more chance and your butt is going to Principal Hughes' office."
"Oh! Just one more chance, really?" He pulled out a rubber band and flung the gum onto the paper periodic table.
"That's it! Mr. Barnes I'm calling Principal Hughes." Mr. Whitfield picked up the phone and dialed the office's number.
"No! Please my Dad will beat me!" Chad sobbed as Mr. Whitfield answered the phone.
"Hey, boss."
"Please! He literally won't stop until I have welts!" Chad begged.
"Jesse, let me guess. You have a kid acting up."
Mr. Whitfield paused and looked at the sniffling boy and sighed. "Um, actually I was just testing the phone." He winked at the boy who smiled.
"Well, get back to work!" His boss yelled and Jesse hung the phone up.
"Thank you for not reporting me."
"You're welcome, just try to smile and have a good day and we'll both be cool."
"I will. You're the best!" Chad sat back in his seat gleefully.
"Alright, let me finish my roster. I'm just going to do first names. Grayson."
"He's on vacation." Grayson replied.
"Oh, ok then. Do you know when he is coming back?"
"Either tomorrow or thursday."
"Good. We'll get him caught up. Anderson."
"Here, teach. Just call me Andy. Hey everyone I'm super cool! All the cool kids can hang out with me." He stood up on his desk.
"Get-get back in your chair, Andy." Mr. Whitfield motioned.
"Sorry, I have O.C.D. Obsessive Childish behavior Disorder."
"That's not what O.C.D. is..." Jesse sighed and called out the rest of the names.
"We're all here!" The students replied and he began class.
"Alright then, let's get started. Does anyone know anything about Bernoulli's Principle?"
"Is it an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by another force?"
"No, that's Newton's Law. I'm asking for Bernoulli's Principle, but that was a good guess Allen."
"Oh." He frowned and laid his head on his desk.
"Anyone? I'm going to call on someone."
"Teach, I know what it is." Andy raised his hand.
"What is it?"
"Uhhhhh... I think its-" He said then passed out in his chair.
"Someone check on him and see if he's ok." Mr. Whitfield waited to hear back from a student.
"He has Nervous Fainter's Disorder. Give him like 5 seconds." Grayson assured.
"What? Where's the fridge?"
"Andy this is science class."
"Dad, where'd you put the fridge?"
"I'm not your Dad, I'm Mr. Whitfield."
"Where's my Dad?"
"I don't know. He's probably at work."
"That's right he got hit by a train."
"Oh god. Someone give me something to hit him with." Grayson groaned.
"Don't hit him. It might do more damage."
"I heard my cat Whiskers! Whiskers, I'm coming to get you. Don't worry!"
"Andy, if you can't focus on this question I'm going to have you taken to the office."
"Oooo! They have candy bars in there! CandyLand here I come!" He dashed into Principal Hughes' office.
"Ok, now with that out of the way we can answer this question."
"Mr. Whitfield, I know the answer! I have a gigantic brain. So Bernoulli's principle, states that an increase in the speed of a fluid occurs simultaneously with a decrease in static pressure or a decrease in the fluid's potential energy." James answered.
"That is exactly correct, James. 100 for you in the gradebook."
"Yay! Mr. Whitfield please, call me Bubs."
"Bubs, would you like a ticket?"
"What for?" He asked.
"You can exchange them for homework passes or candy and what not." Jesse smiled.
"Cool. I'd like to cash it now for a homework pass please and thank you."
"But I didn't even assign homework yet, Bubs."
"I'll use it on tonight's homework."
"Today is a freebee. All I want you to do is write about one thing I should know about you, it doesn't have to be long and I won't take off points for grammar. That is all. For extra credit you can add a drawing or picture with your assignment."
"Sounds good. Can I have a homework pass?"
"Are you sure you want to use a pass on the very first assignment?"
"Yeah, I hate writing."
"Wha? What's wrong with writing?!"
"I hate explaining stuff to people and I tend to write horribly."
"I tell you what. I'll give you a homework pass if you write one sentence on that chalkboard, ok?"
"It'll look crappy, but I'll do it." Bubs got up and wrote "Mr. Whitfield is the best teacher ever" on the chalkboard.
Mr. Whitfield's eyes dropped at the gorgeous handwriting. "Wow. That is an A+"
"No, I'm serious Bubs. Wow. I didn't know you could write in cursive like that. It's just amazing."
"My grandpa taught me."
"You know that skill will be useful later in life."
"He told me that too."
The bell rang and the students began to leave the classroom. "That's lunch. Class is dismissed, I will see you all tomorrow. Remember to bring a notebook and a pencil, we are going to begin journaling our notes." Jesse waved bye to his students and grabbed his bagged lunch.
Ms. Needham leaned up against the doorframe waiting patiently. "You coming?"
"I am, just let me grab my key so I won't be locked out." He chuckled and they walked on to the teacher's lounge.
"How many kids are in your class?"
"Well, this was just my first block and there's about 25 total. I have two more after this and I think both of them max out at 20."
"That's more than me. I only have like 15 every block."
"Heh. The more the merrier as I always say." Mr. Whitfield laughed.
"You make me laugh." She smiled and opened the door of the teacher's lounge.
"If you must know Nicole, I'm all humor."
"I can tell."
He pulled out his peanut butter and jelly sandwich and took a bite. "We should do this more often."
"I agree. This is fun, us teachers connecting at a level and chatting about our good students."
"Well, I wouldn't say Chad is one of my good students." He sighed.
"Oh, yeah he's very special in both a good and bad way."
"This morning he had an attitude and I nearly called the principal when he told me his dad would 'beat him' if he got in trouble."
"Let me guess you let it slide."
"I had to. He gave me those eyes, Nicole!"
"Aw, he's full of excuses about how his dad can sue our boss and how he beats him."
"I believe him. My father used to slap me right across the face."
"Was it because you did something wrong?"
"No, he was just a real bad alcoholic and he would relieve his stress from work by slapping me or beating me with either a belt or whip."
"Man, your life sounds rough."
"I've been through a lot, but luckily my mom divorced him and remarried this IT guy." Jesse rolled his eyes.
She shook her head. "I really enjoy talking to you."
"I do too. I like your company." He stuttered and looked into her blue eyes.
"You're a fun guy to be around."
"It's crazy how you understand my feelings. It's like we are meant to be together-er something." He blushed and looked down at his shoes.
"Yeah." She smiled and he looked up.
"I know we just met but I kind of lov-like you."
"I like you too, Jesse." Nicole looked at his nerdy face with its small smile.
He leaned in to kiss her and immediately pulled back. "Oh my god, what am I thinking? I-uh better go. I'm sorry, I feel like a dumbass." He apologized and started heading back to his classroom.
"Jesse, wait!" She stopped him.
"I'm such an idiot. Please don't hate me, just pretend like it never happened. I never-" Nicole hushed him.
"We both know what we want here." She explained.
"We do?"
"You want to kiss me but you feel too shy to do it."
"Yeah, I'm trying to go way too fast..." He turned away from her embarrassingly.
Nicole grabbed his face and turned him around. "Jesse, I want you to kiss me."
"Uh, really?" Mr. Whitfield looked at her dumbfoundedly.
"Yes, don't hold back your feelings. If you want to-"
He pulled her in his classroom and made out with her. "This is how I feel."
"I feel the same way." She added and he smiled about his dream coming true.
"We got 15 minutes before lunch ends. What do you want to do?"
"I don't know. What did you have in mind?" She asked and he grinned seductively.
"I've always wanted to make love to someone on my desk."
"Man, you're dirty! I like your style, Jess." She punched him lightly.
"Thanks. Let me dim the lights to set the mood." He whispered, dimming the lights and unbuttoned his lab coat to show his hairy chest.
"Mmmm, come here you scrumptious beast." Nicole murmured and the two of them hooked up on his desk.
They made out for what seemed like hours in the 15 minute timeframe, rolling from side to side and knocking pens onto the floor. Even though Jesse thought about Nicole the whole time, he still kept an eye on the clock making sure he wouldn't get caught for "playing the dirty card" with another teacher.
"That... was... awesome." Mr. Whitfield sighed, laying on his desk with an arm around Nicole.
"I was thinking the same thing." Nicole panted.
"I never knew you were so flexible." He smiled.
"Me neither."
"You're like-like Wonder woman." Jesse snickered.
"And you're totally my Superman."
Suddenly the bell rang for lunch to be over, and they looked at each other then Jesse looked at the clock that read 12:15.
"Damn, second block is coming in. We've got to get dressed." He exclaimed.
"Nobody needs to know why we're not dressed, Jess." She put a finger over his lips.
"The reason why we're not dressed is because we we're-"
"Zip it, chatterbox! You say it and we'll both get in trouble." Nicole warned.
He buttoned his lab coat and put on his socks. "Where's my pants?"
Nicole was too busy dressing herself so she didn't hear him.
Jesse said it louder and more demandingly, "Where in the hell are my pants, Nicole?!!"
"Look for them! Where did you take them off at?"
"I thought I put them in my chair but they are not there!" He gesticulated in frustration.
"Here. Now I have to go teach my class." Nicole left for the door and he blocked it.
"Wait, you forgot to kiss me bye." He reminded her and they kissed quickly.
"Bye!" She shouted as she ran to her classroom.
Jesse put on his pants and shoes and opened the door with a sigh. "Evening class. I'm the new Physics and Chemistry teacher, Mr. Whitfield." He welcomed them into his class and gulped when his boss came in with them.
"Jesse, what happened to your desk?" Principal Hughes asked.
"There was a fly in here and I chased him around my desk until I shooed him out the window." He lied.
"Uh-huh, and why is this wrapper in the trash can?" His boss held up a wrapper and Jesse began to sweat nervously.
"One of my students put that in there." Mr. Whitfield lied again.
"Sure. I believe a kid put a wrapper like this in a trash can." Hughes remarked facetiously.
"I swear I found it on the floor." Jesse claimed.
"Fine. Why are there smudges on your desk?"
"When teachers and staff have smudges, I suspect they are playing it dirty with another teacher."
"Sir, I find it more comfortable to sit on my desk and rub my hands across the glass."
"That's just weird, but I'm not one to judge."
"I would never hook up with anyone in my classroom that is just absolutely unacceptable."
"Ok, but I'm still suspecting."
Just then his phone rang and Principal Hughes picked it up.
"Hey, Jesse meet me at my house after school so we can get it on!" Nicole said on the voicemail.
"Heh." Jesse smiled nervously.
"Care to explain yourself to everyone, Whitfield?"
"Not in front of my students." He looked down ashamedly.
"Fine, I'll have Bob Parker sub your class. I want to chat with you right now in my office."
Jesse sighed and followed his boss sullenly into his office.
"Sir, allow me to explain-"
"No need. I've heard enough, Jesse." He pressed his fingers on his forehead and sighed, leaning back in his chair.
"Sir, I had 15 minutes. What else was I supposed to do?" Jesse rebuked.
"You could have turned in your rosters, grabbed a cup of coffee, or prepared yourself for your next class. So, what I'm saying is that you didn't have to engage in intercourse with Ms. Needham."
"I realize that now. My mistake, sir."
"Well. I can do two things, Whitfield. I can either let you by with a warning and have you isolate yourself from Needham or I can fire you."
"Please don't fire me, I need this job!" Mr. Whitfield begged.
"Hmmm... You have been warned Jesse, next time there won't be a warning."
"I won't mess up again boss and I will tell Nicole that this will never happen again."
"Good, you are dismissed. School's over so I suggest you go home and get some rest."
"You got it. See you tomorrow." Jesse smiled and closed his door, walking to his room.
"Hey Jess, what were you doing in the boss' office?"
He continued to unlock the door. "Hmph I don't know."
"If you don't know, why did he call you back there?"
He sighed and glared at her. "Fine! I got in trouble, Nicole. He found out about what I did and he didn't one bit appreciate it."
"Hughes found out we had-"
"Yes. I could have lost my job, the one thing I need to survive and pay my bills."
"Why didn't you tell me you struggled financially? You tell me everything including the thing about your-"
"Maybe it's because I don't like talking about it, okay? We're not dating and we never will." He grabbed his stuff and headed for the door.
"So what we did never meant a thing to you?" She stopped him.
"Until now it doesn't. The only thing it does mean is that we are no longer virgins."
"That's not the only thing it could mean! What if I turn out to be pregnant? What will we do then?"
"Ha! Like I could've even got you pregnant... I wore protection the whole time we banged!"
"Actually you said you wanted a baby, so you took it off."
"Crap! You could be pregnant." He wanted to pull his hair out.
"Damn it! If we never would have hooked up, this wouldn't have happened."
"Technically, we still could have had intercourse without getting pregnant, if I would have put on the blasted thing!"
"I'll test myself tonight. I'll call you when I receive the results."
"I hope it's negative. I really can't handle a baby right now with the money I have."
"If it's positive I promise you, we'll work it out."
"I guess I need to do this then." Jesse pulled out a ring from his wallet and got on one knee.
"Jess, what are you doing?"
"Nicole, I know we just met and that we might be pregnant. But, I want to know will you marry me?"
"Woah, woah, woah! We're not even dating and you're already popping the question! Where did you even get that ring?"
"That's not important. Just answer me gosh dang it!"
"Jesse, I appreciate you being romantic, but no."
"No? Wha-what do you mean no?!"
"I can't marry you. We just met and I'm still getting to know you."
He sighed and walked out the door. "Goodbye Nicole. It was nice meeting you."
"Jesse, wait." She tried to stop him but he had already left out the door.
"I wish I never-ugh! I'm better off being single my whole life, I hope I never see her stupid face again." He mumbled and pulled his coat around him and walked to his apartment.
He opened the door of his apartment  and dropped his keys on the table with a sigh and collapsed face first on his bed. There was a knock at the door so he got up and opened it. Standing outside was the woman he had banged with, he growled disgustedly and slammed the door. Something in his heart made him turn around and reopen the door.
"Hey, lover."
"Ugh, what do you want Nicole?" Jesse groaned.
"I wanted to apologize for rejecting your proposal. Can I make it up to you? If you just ask me again, this time I swear I'll say yes."
"I-I don't feel like bedding you right now. And I've changed my mind about marrying you so just leave me alone, ok?"
She scoffed in anger. "Damn it, Jess! I apologize to you and I still can't make you happy. What in the hell could I possibly do to put a smile on your face?!"
"I told you already, just leave me alone. Get out of my sight and love life!"
"Please let me make it up to you. I promise that in the morning you'll feel way better, trust me." Nicole begged.
"Fine, but you can only stay for tonight. Banging is strictly off the table until I say so."
"Sounds good, I wasn't planning on that anyway." She looked down at her feet then up at his smile.
"Great, now I'm going to fix dinner and after that we will go to bed."
"I haven't checked yet."
"Then go check!"
"Okay, gosh." Nicole walked and went into the bathroom. She took the test and dared not look at the results.
"I hope you like philly cheesesteak because I can make a mean one!" Jesse laughed.
"Uh, Jess. Can you come here please?" Nicole asked holding the test up so she could read it.
"Yeah, just gimme a sec." He replied, turning off the stove and walking into the bathroom. "What's up?"
"You're probably not going to believe this but..." She sighed. "Unfortunately I'm pregnant." Nicole handed him the test and he saw the "+" on the side, so he cried.
"Aw, damn it! I can't believe this ******* thing happened..."
"Well, we did kind of hook up on your desk."
"What do you mean kind of?! We definitely hooked up! I mean how else would you be pregnant?"
"I don't know Jess I-"
He paced around in frustration pulling at his dirty blonde hair. "Ugh, now you're pregnant with our child, because I knocked you up on my damn desk!"
"Hey, it's ok Jess."
"It's not ******* ok Nicole! You know I can't handle a baby right now, I'm-I'm too deep in a financial struggle!" He put his fingers on the bridge of his nose in despair.
"We can work this out." She reassured him.
"I mean the only way we can work this out is if I bang you. I desperately wanted to bring hooking up back on the table, but I can't now that you're pregnant."
"Who said we can't hook up right now? It's not like I can get more pregnant."
"Come on then, we're going to do it." He grabbed her by the hand.
"Alright, let me slip into something more intimate and we will get it on."
"I better put that cheesesteak in the oven then. It'll only take 30 minutes to cook so we can **** while it's cooking."
"Sounds good. I'll be waiting on you my love." She smiled and he just giggled at her as he put the cheese steak in the oven.
"Ok, now that the cheesesteak is in the oven I'll get us some adult beverages."
"Jess, I can't drink alcohol right now."
"Oh damn, that's right..." He remembered slamming the fridge door. Jesse was walking on to his bedroom when he stubbed his toe.
"Babe, you coming?" Nicole asked.
"Yeah, just a second I stubbed my ******* toe. Ahh god! It ******* hurts." He winced.
"Are you ok?" She got up and walked to him.
"No. Can you grab some ice or something?"
"I got the frozen cinderblock you keep in the freezer."
"Whatever the hell it is, it's hard as a brick anyway."
"Well duh, it's frozen."
"Here. Does your foot feel better?" She asked icing his foot.
"God, that's cold!" He jumped.
"Easy or you might stub it again."
"You're a good doctor babe." Jesse smiled.
"Thanks. Do you still want to-"
"You know it!" He added and they hooked up, only this time in his bedroom.
"Mmmmm. How do you kiss so good?" Nicole made out with him.
"I don't know." He answered and then he heard claws scrapping across the floor.
"Babe, I think there's somebody in your house..." She whispered.
"Not somebody, someone. Aw shhhh-"
Suddenly his big dog jumped on the bed and licked his face.
"Is this your dog, babe?"
"Yes, this is Diesel. My big ass pit bull." He groaned as the dog continued to kiss his face.
"He's a cutie."
"For some reason he still thinks he's a lap dog. Get off Diesel!! Nicole and I are busy trying to **** each other!!!"
"Babe, it's ok. Let him stay it's fine."
"If you don't get the **** out of here, I'll tear up your ass!" Jesse yelled and his dog left with a whimper.
"That wasn't very-"
"Now, where were we?" He asked, closing the door.
"You shouldn't be mean to your dog like that. But let's continue what we started, get your scrumptious body over here!"
"I remember what I was doing." He smiled and humped her.
"Oh, yes baby! Just like that." She fluttered at his seductive love making.
"You've got such a beautiful ass. I just want to do all that I can to please it." Jesse complimented.
"Thank you." Nicole giggled.
He pulled out the ring he showed her earlier from his drawer and held it out for her to see. "Will you marry me?"
"Jesse, I..."
"I'm still unsure."
"Sh*t. Nicole, I want our child to have a family ok? And you tell me that you're unsure!" He snarled.
"I'm sorry, Jess. I don't want to marry you."
"Then why the hell did you tell me if I asked you again you'd say yes?!"
"I don't know, I'm really scared being pregnant with your baby. I just don't think that a marriage will solve our problems right now..."
"Ugh, fine. You can look forward to never getting seduced by me any longer. Get the hell out of my house! I never want to see your ugly face again, and don't you ever come back..."
"I don't want to see your **** ever again, so don't come back and wave it in my face. In fact don't ever speak to me, or come back to me when you realize you want me desperately to satisfy you in the bedroom."
"I don't need your ass or breasts to satisfy me. I can find other things to satisfy me just as well. You can look forward to not seeing my handsome ass when you wake up every morning and the pleasure you get from me satisfying you."
"I don't see your ass when I wake up no way."
"Maybe it's because you never will dumbass, mother******!"
"**** you!"
"Oh go **** a truck!"
"You go **** a refrigerator, since that's all you'll ever please..."
She gasped. "You **** one."
"I'd bust my ass doing that."
"I would too!"
"I dare you to **** a fridge right now."
"I'm pregnant, remember?"
"Why would I need to **** a damn fridge?!"
"Hell, I don't know. I thought we were just trying to insult each other and to be honest I'm beginning to think that insulting each other is pointless. We shouldn't leave each other." Jesse tried to soothe her with his hand on her shoulder.
"Eeek!" She flinched and slapped him right across the face accidentally.
"Damn!" He exclaimed with a hand rubbing his slapped face.
"Oh my God, Jess. I'm so sorry!" Nicole tried to comfort him and he stepped back.
"Don't touch me! Please don't touch me!" He cried and she remembered how his father used to abuse him and she slowly approached him. "Get back!" He snarled, grabbing a stick.
"Jess, put the stick down. It's me. Nicole, you're girlfriend and the history teacher at James Gordon High School, do you remember me?"
"Nicole? You slapped me right across the face, why?"

Mr. Whitfield- By: Riley Rivers Where stories live. Discover now