Chapter IV

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"Damn, I can't believe it's been almost a year since we've been married." Jesse smiled looking at his wife laying in the bed beside him.
"I know and it's been almost a year since we lost our girl."
"Yeah..." He sighed and moved closer to her. "Do you want me to give you the goods?"
"Mmmm, I don't know if I can't handle your goods."
"Oh, baby I'm like a big dog." Jesse flirted.
"And I'm your mate, bark with me."
"Woof, woof!"
"Bark baby, bark!"
"Ah ruff, ruff!"
Nicole laughed and it made his nerdy little self smile. "God, you make me so concupiscent."
"Ooo! Good word choice, baby. I'm going to lock this door so my nosy pit bull doesn't come in." He locked the door. "Now here I come!" He yelled and jumped on the bed on top of his wife.
"Oof! I heard my back pop."
"I should do this more often and we won't have to call a chiropractor." Jesse snickered.
"We could save money." Nicole added.
"They'll be saying sex is the new cure to everything."
"For fact, it's technically the only way to get pregnant."
"Most definite. It's the natural way anyway, I mean there's a whole science way that includes a sperm donor and a-"
She pulled him towards her face. "Jesse, when will you learn to stop talking and just give it to me?"
"The same day I learn being a science teacher is not my lifelong profession." He answered and began making out with her.
"Oh, I love you."
"I love you."
"Are we going to have sex or not?" Nicole asked.
"Well, do you want to have it now?"
"I thought you were going to do it way earlier. Now I'm itching to have it, so give it to me please."
"You don't have to beg, you just have to tell me and I'll give it to you."
"Jesse, I want to have sexual intercourse right now."
"Ok, do I need to grab a-" He started to get up and go get his protection and she pulled him back onto the bed.
"Oh my God, can we please just have sex?!"
"So no-"
"I don't care. Get it if you want it, just hurry up so we can do this!"
"Okay, jeez. You must be on your cycle again and you're just trying to find a way to soothe your eager urges." He mumbled and put on his protection.
"Get in here, god damn it!" Nicole yelled.
"I'm coming!" Jesse shouted back, after he threw the wrapper away.
"How long does it take you to put on a ******* condom?!"
"I have trouble, okay! You have to be patient with your clumsy husband." He snarled and got back on top of her.
"Sometimes I wonder if you are trying to slingshot the damn thing into the toilet."
"I did that when I was five with my father's. I thought they were rubber bands and boy was I wrong. He told me if I shot another one in the toilet, he'd put it on me and I never did that again."
"Babe, it is our time and you are ruining it. I am literally about to go make lunch if you don't stop talking."
"Sorry, sorry. I'll stop, it's our time and I need to respect it." "Should I do the onion?"
"Wha-what the hell is the onion?"
"I shake my ass and you slap my testicles." He lowered his underwear.
"What the hell is wrong with you?"
"Well, you can't slap them unless I lower my underwear."
"Why did I have to marry a dumbass?" She groaned and slapped him where he told her to.
"Damn! I think you broke one." He pulled up his underwear.
"You can't break them."
He fell back on the bed, holding his sore crotch. "I don't think I'll be able to have kids now..."
"Why did you tell me to slap you there, idiot?"
"I-I saw on YouTube that it's customary that before engaging in-in intercourse, the partner is supposed to slap the guy in the balls." He griped his groin.
"And why the hell did you listen to something on the internet?"
"Because I don't think things through..." Mr. Whitfield moaned.
"Do you need to see a doctor?"
"No, I'm fine."
"The only time I see you holding your crotch like that is when you are-"
"Why do you watch me urinate?!"
"You watch me shower, how is that any different?"
"Fair point. Agh! Why did you hit them so damn hard?"
"You told me to slap them."
"It's like you hit them with a metal bat."
"Oh, please. If I hit them with a metal bat, you'd only have one."
"True, true, true, true."
"You want me to get that prostate cream?"
"Please!" He cried.
"I got it." She smiled, holding it up.
"Here." Jesse lowered his underwear. "Will you put the cream on?"
"Why can't you do it?"
"I call into order the Emergency protocol: 0900."
"You're either too sore or you can't do it yourself."
"I married a living contract." She sighed, shaking her head and rubbed the lotion on his hurt groin.
"Ooo! Ah... God I feel much better."
"Good." She said, putting the cap on the ointment. After she put the cap back on, she put the tube back in the cabinet where she found it.
"Sh*t! Aw **** no! Damn it! Nicole!!!" Jesse yelled, pulling his underwear up.
"Yes, baby?" She asked.
"What the hell was in that cream?"
"It said it was for prostates."
"Let me see the ointment."
"I'm telling you it said-"
"Let me see the damn ointment!"
She handed him the ointment and he looked at the tube.
"Nicole, this is for my astigmatism. You don't put this ointment on your skin."
"I'm sorry."
"It's ok. Even though my balls hurt, do you still wanna have sex?"
"If you're willing to do it, then I'm willing to do it."
"Get on that bed woman and prepare to be satisfied." He smiled, seductively as he watched her vixen-like figure lay on the bed.
"Come on, baby hit me with your handsome self." She murmured and he once again flopped on top of her.
"Damn, just break my back."
"I thought you loved it when I jumped on you like that."
"Not when you make my back crunch."
"How should I begin? The top? Bottom? Fast? Slow? What's the speed and time you want to finish by?"
"Let's take as long as we need."
"Ok, so I'll go slow and steady. But, what's our goal? To get pregnant or to just have plain sex?"
"Our goal is whatever the magic gives us. I can tell you one thing, we won't get pregnant with you wearing those damn latex condoms."
"I can take it off if you want me to."
"No, let's just have sex."
"Ok." He smiled and made out with her before they began to start intercourse.
"Oh, man. I'm all buttered up now and ready to sex you all up!"
"Put it in me, baby. Put it in me. Let your feelings fly and your urges soar!"
"I'm going to do it. I'm going to-ahhh..." Mr. Whitfield made love to his wife.
"Oooo! You're a natural at this." Nicole sighed.
"Thank you." Jesse smiled.
"Give me more, give me more!"
"Ohh, God..." He moaned as he humped her.
"Yes, baby. Oh, yes just like that."
"Hell yeah, I'm the damn alpha male now!"
"You've always been my alpha male, baby." She added. He laid beside her and closed his eyes with a smile after they finished their intercourse.

Mr. Whitfield- By: Riley Rivers Where stories live. Discover now