🌌 | Freddy Freeman | Shazam! | 🌌

693 13 19

~ Little White Lies ~

"...And try not to say anything too weird, yeah?"

"Unlikely." I spoke, skimming through one of Freddy's multiple comics on the top bunk.

"Oh! One weird thing is, you know that the Romans used to brush their teeth with their urine?"

I shared a glance with Rosa as a silent pause lingered between the four of us.

"And apparently, it works!"

"Told you." I finally muttered, flipping the page. I decided I would enjoy my last few moments of being able to lay in the top bunk, considering the new foster kid coming today. Speak of the devil, I watched him from my peripheral vision as the boy looked down the window.

"Oh, um... It's a long way down." Freddy interjected, standing on his crutch. "Trust me, I speak from experience."

I scrunched my nose up at this, wondering what the boy could possibly mean by that. What was he up to?

"Victor pushed me. They seem nice, but, don't buy it. It gets real Game of Thrones around here."

I rolled my eyes at the lie. "Oh please." But the new kid seemed to believe it as he looked around, worried.

"Dude, I'm messing with you! It's um, it's terminal cancer. I've got three months..."

At this I gasped, hopping down swiftly and immediately going to hit Freddy.

"Don't joke about that, that's awful!" I scolded, playfully landing hits on his arm.

"Sorry, sorry!" He laughed as Billy looked between the two of us.

"Who...?" He trailed, having not noticed me before.

"Oh, I'm (Y/N) (L/N). His friend." I introduced, almost meekly.

"Best friend." Freddy corrected, pulling me into him. "Four years and counting! She's... sadly got a bad stutter." At this, I punched him making him only laugh as I sat down pouting.

"No I don't... quit lying."

Before Billy could even get another breath in Freddy piped up again.

"Kidding, again! You look at me like, 'Why so dark?'" Freddy announced, sitting by me. "You're a disabled foster kid with only one friend, you've got it all." At the word 'friend' he shook me by the shoulders as the apparent Billy Batson roamed the room.

"Ugh, there's a difference between lying and kidding. Learn it." I demanded, already knowing he more than likely weirded the poor boy out.

"Oh, as if you would've said anything." He whisper-scoffed, referencing my shyness.

"I might've if you kept your big mouth shut."

"Oh, I'll show you whose got a big- Oh yeah! That's the uh, the ol' Batarang." Freddy informed, cutting himself off from our playful argument, waltzing over to Billy who had suddenly taken interest in the replica.

"Feel how sharp. I could kill ya' in your sleep with that thing."

"Because that's not creepy in any way..." I murmured sarcastically, brows knitting together at the interesting observation.

Billy seemed uninterested in Freddy's commentary as he looked around a little more.

"You're more of a Supes guy, aren't you?"

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