3. Where He Takes You Out

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Bill ~

- He took you to the quarry for a small picnic date

- You thought it was cute and really liked the view of the river below

- It quickly started to get hot

^ Instead of leaving, he pushed you over the cliff and then jumped in after you

^ You hit him (playfully) 'cause you thought you were about to die

- You two basically played in the river like 10 year olds for the rest of the day

^ When you ate the food when y'all got out oh my gOD THAT SHIT



Richie ~

- Of course this boy took you to the arcade!

^ If you were gonna be his girl, you were gonna be a queen at Street Fighter, pErIODT

- You played all of the games and ate before he took you to his favorite game of all (mentioned legit two seconds ago)

- "Welcome to Street Fighter, toots! I've got the highest score and counting. I'll show you the ropes and, maybe you'll make the leaderboard."

^ Got pouty asf when you got second place on your first try (next to him in first, duh)


Eddie ~

- He told his mom he was hanging out with the guys

^ He lied lmao

- It was a simple day out to the park

^ Only because he knows you like to (ride/skate/bike/etc.) but this child will deadass wipe anything before touching it

- You guys had an aesthetic moment when he pushed you on the swings

- When you walked him back home, he gave you a big hug

^ Huge risk for him

- "Can-...Can you spray me with Febreze please? If my mom finds out I-"

- "Yes, Eddie..."


Mike ~

- Took you to the carnival

^ Mostly for the petting zoo but you rode rides too

- He was a gentleman the entire time and he even managed to win you a giant stuffed animal

^ It was a bear (you know, classic)


Stan ~

- It wasn't much of a first date, it was actually just you two working on a science project together

^ You went over to his place and worked in his room

- You were doing most of the talking but after a while, you wanted to spice things up

^ Stan would hardly let you because hE'd gEt iN trOuBlE

- You hit him with a pillow and that was all she wrote

^ A Pillow War was underway and nothing could be done to stop it

^ Except his mom kicking you out for uNoRdErlY cOnDuCT and being a bAd InFlUeNCe on Stan

- Lots of hidden giggles and you got to know each other? I'd say that's a good first date to me


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