Chapter 28: Final Matches Day 1: Champions' dilemma

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The sun shone through the windows, shining on a certain captain's face, as if it wanted to put his face into the natural spotlight. The boy shielded his face from the irritating light, and got up. He smiled at his sleeping boyfriend next to him. He gently prodded the older boy. "Keigo, wake up." He said softly. The older boy opened his eyes and squinted at Ryoma through sleep gummed eyes. "Ryoma, morning." Ryoma smiled. "Morning to you too." They got up, and refreshed themselves. "So, today's the day, huh?" said Ryoma, wiping his face with a cloth. Atobe nodded. "Yes, today's the first day." Ryoma smiled, and wrung his cloth dry, before stepping out of the bathroom and changing to his New Day Academy regulars' outfit. He grabbed his tennis bag, and went out for breakfast. They were the first ones to arrive at the table. They chose a seat each, and began to fill their plates.

Meanwhile, in another person's room, another pair of eyes opened, sapphire blue could be seen through those eyes. Pakura gasped softly in surprise as she felt a warm presence pressed against her back and when she looked at her waist she saw two arms holding her gently and protectively. Pakura frowned. Her shirt has moved higher to her chest. She blushed as the arms are wrapped around her bare waist. Out of the corner of her eye, she smiled as she found out who is the owner of the arms. She carefully turned, and slowly brought her hand up to Ryoga's face to caress the soft cheek. Ryoga groaned softly and opened his hazel eyes that are so much like Ryoma's. "Today's the day." She said. Ryoga nodded. She sat up on her bed. "I have no intention to reveal I am left handed until my match with Tezuka. I want to catch him by surprise." Ryoga smiled, and nodded. "As you wish, sweetheart." They then went to refresh themselves and Pakura changed into her New Day Academy regulars' outfit as well. They went down to breakfast only to find Ryoma and Atobe already there, eating. She and Ryoga sat down, and she shoveled some French toast onto her plate. She poured syrup over it and took a bite; it tasted like cardboard for some reason. "Chibisuke, who is your opponent today?"said Ryoga.

Ryoma drank his orange juice, and said, "Tachibana Kippei, one of the Two Wings of Kyushu."

Ryoga whistled. "Good luck, Chibisuke."

Ryoma smiled. "Thanks, Aniki."

Just then, the door opened and the other champions came out, wearing their school regulars' jersey. Chris said to Atobe. "Well, I hope we would have a good match today." Atobe smiled. "Thanks. You too, Christopher."

Chris laughed. "Call me Chris."

Atobe laughed. "Alright, Chris."

After breakfast, the Champions (including Atobe) shouldered their tennis bags, and marched into the gym. "Is it just me, or does it seem that there are more people the usual?" Tyler muttered. They looked around, and sure enough, every single seat in the gym is occupied, and people are holding betting slips. Coach Levi walked over, and said, "Sorry, I forgot to mention, this is a public event, so some members of the public came to watch the matches. Also, the matches you guys are playing would be broadcasted on live television, for the benefit of those who couldn't make it. To make it more fun, we allowed them to bet on their favorite players. It was planned a few days beforehand" He was met with glares from the Champions. Pakura narrowed her eyes at Coach Levi. He wasn't looking at them when he said "It was planned a few days beforehand". She knew he was lying. It was most likely thought up of at the last minute. Finally, Ryoma said, "Whatever." And they headed towards the section where the camp players are sitting at. They took their places in the very bottom bleachers, as it was reserved for them, according to the sign on the bleacher. They barely had time to sit down and get their tennis equipment ready, when Coach Mabi announced for the champions and players to take their positions. They did, and the screen lit up. The screen divided the 16 players' names in 8 equal sections that show their odds of winning and their scores. Ryoma looked at his name. His name is in the same section as Tachibana Kippei. Hid odds of winning were 7-1, while Tachibana's were 5-1. 8 of the coaches are now refereeing one match each. The 8 matches are going to happen together.

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