Tainting my mentors innocence is fun!

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Monkey King? That's a weird name." said Pakura, frowning. "Alright. Let's wake Monkey King up then." She took out her water bottle, and poured it on Monkey King's head. He woke up, spluttering. "How dare you ruin Ore-sama's beautiful hair, you female bastard!" Pakura twitched. "Hey, I was just trying to wake you up, Monkey King. Anyway, I don't give a damn about your 'beautiful' hair!" she snapped. This time, it was Monkey King's turn to twitch. "How dare you call me a Monkey King! You're just like that brat!" Pakura raised her eyebrows. "Well, Ryoma told me Monkey King's your name, so I don't see any harm on calling you by your name." Monkey King rounded on Ryoma, who was sniggering away. "I don't see what's so funny about introducing me as Monkey King, brat. Ore-sama has a beautiful name, and that's Atobe Keigo."

Pakura asked, "What's Ore-sama?"

"It means the stupid me in Japanese." said Ryoma.

"You brat! It means the great and magnificent me! You two had better be awed by my presence!"

Pakura looked him up and down. His hair and shirt is wet from her water bottle and his face had a red weal. He was also sporting an angry expression. She was awed by his presence alright…if being awed meant that fact that you like being in the presence of a crazy looking wet monkey, that is. Pakura turned to Ryoma. "I should've punched him one more time, shouldn't I?"

"Yes you should." said Ryoma.

"No, you shouldn't. Anyway, what was that punch for?"

"That's for calling ME a traitor all of a sudden and I don't even know you!" Pakura snarled.

"I wasn't. I thought you were the brat and speaking of which, I want to talk to the brat to find out what happened three years ago."

"Three years ago?" said Pakura.

"Oh, three years ago?" said Ryoma, his tone suddenly gotten cold. "It was…"

"Ok, enough! Let's not talk here. Let's go to my house and talk, we'll have more privacy."

"Erm…sorry, we can't. I'm going home to visit my-" However, he was cut off as Atobe grabbed his left hand and dragged him towards his limousine. Pakura jogged tp catch up with them, carrying both hers and Ryoma's stuff."Oh yeah, what are you doing in the airport today, Atobe-san?" said Pakura. "Ore-sama was going to send one of his butlers off to America to visit his family. He had better be awed by my generosity." Somewhere in the airport, a certain butler sneezed. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." said Pakura. She slapped Atobe's hand, making him let go of Ryoma's arm. "And I'll thank you not to manhandle Ryoma like this, he can walk himself." Ryoma rubbed his arm and muttered a "thanks" to Pakura.

"Oh? What's your relationship with him?" said Atobe, smirking. Inwardly he hoped it wasn't lovers, because that will be his title. Pakura thought for a while, before saying, "Well…."

"Don't answer the question!" said Ryoma, cutting her off. They reached the limo, and Atobe practically shoved Ryoma in, and also helped Pakura put their stuff in the trunk. Pakura climbed in after Ryoma, and Atobe followed last. He slammed the door close and his chauffeur drove off. Ryoma huffed, folded his arms and stared at the window. By the intensity of the glare, it was a wonder why the windows haven't melted. She knew all he wanted to do is to go home and visit his family. And what happened instead? They met some narcissistic person who declared he needed a word with Ryoma and now, they are being kidnapped to his home to have a talk. Worse, she got dragged along because she was with Ryoma. The talk had better be something important, OR ELSE she's going to make sure he won't be able to walk for a week, just like what she did to one of the male players in the ITM. Of course, she won the match against him by default, because his legs were incapacitated. Just then, the limo stopped and Atobe said, "We're here." Pakura stepped out of the limo, and her jaw dropped slightly at the sight of the house. Wait, Atobe did say house, right? A H-O-U-S-E, right? She didn't hear wrong, did she? To call Atobe's home a house would be an understatement. It was like 5 stories high (I anyhow guessed) and it was freaking huge! It looked more like a mansion than a house. Atobe led Ryoma and Pakura in his house. The maids and the butlers welcome Atobe, calling him "Young Master Keigo". He led Pakura and Ryoma in his room, telling the butlers and the maids not to interrupt them for a few hours.

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