Chapter 14

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<March 2022>

"You look like a hamster."

I whined as I buried my head closer to Jieun's shoulder, still feeling sleepy from the lack of sleep due to our hectic schedule.

"Come on, little hamster. It's our first time attending SM Training Camp, be more excited about it!" Chaewon encouraged with a cheer, peeking from the seat in front of us.

As much as I want to be excited for it, sleep sounds much more alluring right now.

Gaeun chuckled at her antics, "Give her a break, Chaewon. The poor girl is tired from the extra practice she forced herself on for our first comeback." 

"That's the problem though, she's forcing herself to practice more even though she's doing great already." Chaewon whined to the eldest.

Soomin decided to join in the conversation, "As much as I usually disagree with Chaewon unnie, I agree with her this time. We're worried about our little hamster overworking herself." she commented softly.

I don't know when it started, but they've recently started calling me by the nickname 'little hamster'. 

"You guys are talking as if I'm your pet or something." I whined while straightening myself, giving up on the thought of having extra sleep. 

"Aren't you though?" Jieun, who was sitting beside me, teased. I pouted at them more,  "All of you have been bullying me more ever since I opened up myself to you all. I should have just maintained my outer layer." I complained.

Somewhere along my journey with these idiots, I started opening up to them. Of course there are some secrets that I still keep to myself, but I show them more of my personality day by day. 

"But you're our precious maknae, don't go back to your ice princess mood!" Chaewon complained loudly and slumped her body from her seat to hug me.

"Chaewon unnie, you're going to fall." Soomin commented calmly, used to her roommate's crazy antics.

Gaeun sighed, "Let her be, maybe she'll finally learn to feel embarrassment if she falls right now in front of our sunbaenims." she said while shaking her head.

Jieun looked around and shook her head, "I doubt that they are paying attention to us though. The sunbaenim themselves are crazier than us combined." 

True to what she said, unfortunately we are in the same bus as all the 23 NCT members. From the amount of the members alone, you can imagine how noisy it is.

"I would date one of them if they weren't this crazy. I mean look at them, they're all so good looking." Chaewon commented while going back to her seat. 

Soomin looked at her in disbelieve, "Did I just hear that right? Do you even know that you're just as crazy as them? That works for you as well, Jieun." 

Jieun raised her hands up defensively, "Why am I pulled into this conversation? I didn't say anything." 

"We still have a dating ban though, just be more patient for another 9 months and you guys can go man hunting." Gaeun warned us lightly with a smile.

My eyes subconsciously went around to search for Mark, since I don't know where he's sitting at due to my sleepiness awhile ago.

It's really easy to find him though, you just need to search for a loud laugh that is paired along with claps. I tried to contain my smile, it's been a month since I've last seen him.

Oh shit, I shouldn't be staring at him.

I immediately returned my attention to my members, noticing that Jieun is looking at me with a raised eyebrow. I just pretended to not notice it and continued talking to the members.

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