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I pulled up to Club Den for the second time in a week and lightly smiled as the beautiful exterior came into view.

"Woah," They three boys awed.

"It's sick, huh?" I smirked.

"Yeah," Sam whispered, wide eyed. "Where'd you find this place?"

"We celebrated New Years here and had a label party a couple days before," I smiled.

"How often do you girls go clubbing?" From the corner of my eye, I could see Sam's eyebrows furrowed.

"More often than you'd think," I laughed. "We've been party girls since junior year, believe it or not."

"Damn, I didn't think you were a party girl, Evans," He chuckled.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Wilkinson," I countered.

"Touché," He smirked.

"Alright," I perked. "Let's go!"

We hadn't even reached the doors when paparazzi bombarded us with questions.

"Stella, over here!" "Who're your friends, Stella?" "Do you have a boyfriend? Are you single?"

I smiled and ignored them, just like our PR manager taught Dani and I. The boys smiled as well, blocking out the blinding flashes.

"Keep your head down and don't answer any questions," I looked through my fingers.

We approached security and I immediately felt giddy as he let us in right away. "Thanks Ben," I smiled.

"Of course, Miss Evans."

"Sounds like you're more than a regular here, Stel." Nate chuckled.

"You could say that," I grinned.

"Guys! Hey!" Dani hollered over the loud music, Jack G right behind her.

"How'd you get ready?" I crinkled my eyebrows.

"Jack dropped me off. You and I basically did a switch-a-roo." She laughed. "After you left, we pulled up."

"Great timing," I giggled.

"Anyway! You'll never guess who's here!" She squealed. By the looks of it, it's someone we both know and probably are a fan of.

"Uh, who?" I quirked.

"Ed Sheeran!" She jumped up and down.

"No fucking way!" I slapped her arm, a look of shock plastered on my face.

"Yeah! Let's go! Soph texted me saying he wants to meet us!" I couldn't believe what was happening. Our favorite singer songwriter was at the same club we were in. This is all too surreal.

The guys trailed behind us as we slipped between sweaty, drunken bodies. Finally approaching his booth, I felt absolutely starstruck.

"Stella and Danielle, right?" His eyes immediately locked with ours.

"Yeah," I smiled, at a loss for words. A nudge interrupted my daydream and I saw it was Sam. I glared at him, but he completely ignored it.

"Come on, Stel. Speak," He urged with an eye roll.

"Oh gosh," I mentally face palmed myself. "How could I forget? Ed, this is Jack Johnson, Jack Gilinsky, Sam Wilkinson, and Nate Maloley. They're who we're going to tour with."

"I've heard of you boys," Ed grinned. "Started off on vine and already on tour? Amazing."

The boys smiled wide, looking starstruck as well.

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