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Last night, I found myself in a booth of a Denny's, sipping on a milkshake. My hood covered my head, and I probably looked emotionless, but too much clouded my thoughts. What Sam had said downright hurt and I thought I could just brush it off... but I couldn't. The rest of the night, I sat there and just thought. It wasn't until the waitress pulled me out of the dazed state that I realized it was 2 in the morning. No one awoke as I came back, so I didn't bother to wake anyone up.

The next day was when all hell broke loose, as people flew past me to get things ready for the show tonight. Everything had to be perfect since it is the start of the tour. I was typing away on my phone, texting a few friends to see if they could make it for our first show. Bodies bumped into me as I weaved through the crew and our stylists, who were now bringing in our wardrobe.

I saw Johnson a few feet away, but before I could walk over to him, my stylist Annabeth pulled me to my makeup chair.

"Gotcha, missy," She smirked. "I was literally chasing you through this ruckus. I needed you 10 minutes ago!"

"Sorry, Annabeth," I sheepishly smiled. "So how was your day? I assume it must be chaotic."

"You got that right," She huffed, a small smile on her lips. "But a good chaotic. I haven't styled for artists in months and I miss it." She plugged her curler in, then spilled the contents of her makeup bag onto the vanity counter.

"That's good to hear?" I giggled. "I've seen what you and your glam team can do. You guys do wonders and I've been so eager to see what y'all have in store."

"Aw babe, that's so sweet. It means a lot," Annabeth smiled at me through the illuminated mirror. I reciprocated her expression and went back to texting my friends.

An hour passed and the crew was more frantic than before. People wearing headsets ran back and forth to get stage lights ready, set up a few props, and made sure we would not be late for the meet & greet. My makeup was beautifully done; she did a natural smokey eye and a small wing, contoured my face, highlighted my T-area, and applied my favorite rose-nude lipstick.

"Holy," I gawked at myself in the mirror. "You're amazing, oh my god!"

"I've been told," She winked. "Alright, tilt your head down a little." She grabbed her curling iron, sectioning off pieces of my hair and wrapping them around the barrel. This went on for 15 minutes until my hair was curled into big, loose curls. Anna then styled my hair into a half up braided crown, taking out a few pieces to frame my face. The end result was perfect, and I was stunned at my reflection.

"...Anna," I whispered. "I love you!" I jolted out of my seat and hugged her tightly. She giggled, hugging me tighter.

"Now go, Stel," She pushed me towards the door leading to the meet and greet. "Don't wanna be late!"

I quickly gave her another thanks and sprinted towards the room full of dedicated fans. My heels clicked quickly against the waxed floors as I maneuvered my way through the busy halls of the theatre. At the end of the hallway, Zac stood with one hand in his pocket, typing on his phone with the other. I yelled his name and his head shot up, his eyes meeting mine.

"There you are! VIP is about to come in, go on!" He shoved me into the room containing everyone: Dani, Johnson, Nate, Gilinsky, and Sam. J's head snapped up as he caught me walking in.

"What a stunner!" He beamed, winking. I giggled, sassily flipping my hair over my shoulder.

"Woah, mama!" Dani smirked as she rushed over to me. She looked gorgeous as well, her hair in loose ringlets as a waterfall braid went across her head. Her makeup was darker than her everyday look, but it complimented her green eyes.

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