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so by popular demand, Stella's outfit is located at the side! or if you're on your phone, just look up there ^ :)


Andrea said she'd see us in Las Vegas, saying she had a meeting with the director for the movie she finally agreed on doing. We wished her the best of luck after the show and exchanged hugs, leaving minutes later.

The show, on the other hand went well, except for a few slips on stage. I landed on my ass after slipping on some water, then tripped over a loose board from the small flight of stairs. I laughed it off, barely being able to sing the next verses with Dani.

"I got it on video," J giggled at his phone. I punched his thigh roughly, as his legs were drooped over mine.

"Fuck, Stel." He winced. "Are you actually a girl? Because shit, you hit like a boxer."

"I know a thing or two," I flipped my hair jokingly. Truth is, my mom had forced me to take boxing lessons when I was fifteen, but I never got to finish. I practiced with the trainer every night until I was satisfied with my ability. It was a good stress reliever and an escape from my problems.

"Did you take lessons?" He asked.

I nodded, a small smile taking over my face. "Didn't finish them though, bummer."

We continued small talking and watching tv for another hour or two--as there was nothing to do while the bus was moving.

"Hey," Sam mumbled, joining us on the couch. Johnson and I stopped laughing at whatever it was we were laughing at. I stared at Sam and back at Johnson, pleading with my eyes if I could leave. J subtly nodded, and I quickly made my exit. Before I closed the door separating the tv room from the bunks, I heard Sam sigh heavily.

"Stel?" I turned my head and saw Nate peek out from his top bunk. He opened his curtains fully and, you probably guessed it, he was shirtless.

"What's up?" I smiled, propping my elbows on his bed.

"Are you up for a smoke?" He grinned.

My eyebrows crinkled, "Right now? Nate, you realize we're on a moving bus, right?"

"I know that, sweets," He chuckled.

"Alright," I playfully rolled my eyes. "I'm getting some food, do you want anything?"

"Nah, I'm good. Thanks babe." He smiled, putting his headphones back on.

I opened the fridge and grabbed some apple slices, then reached for the jar of peanut butter. Placing a big dollop of peanut butter into a paper bowl, I criss-crossed my legs under the small table and began munching while scrolling through twitter.

"Can I sit here?" Someone quietly asked.

Mid chew, I answered. "Sure." I eyed his every move as he sat right across from me.

"Looks good." He lightly laughed, seeing as I did not make an effort to speak first.

"You want some?" I pushed my food towards the middle. He nodded, taking a slice and dipping it into the creamy substance. We sat in silence, eating and Sam occasionally stealing glances at me.

"Okay," I sighed, my mouth full of apple and peanut butter. "What do you really want?"

Sam looked taken aback, but swallowed his food. "First, I want to apologize." Now I was taken aback.

"Apologize?" I sarcastically laughed. "Wow, is this the first you've done that?"

He sighed, "Stella, please. I know you're upset and hate me, but hear me out."

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