chapter 8

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جس کی قسمت میں لکھا ہو رونا،
وہ مسکرا بھی دیں تو انسو نکل آتے ہیں ۔


Her heart sank once again when she heard those words. Nothing is going to save her life now. She is doomed. At that time she was terrified. Blood drained out of her body.

He marched towards her. Suddenly the lady with the tray came in front of me as she realized the tension between him and me. "It's ok Zaviyar she didn't mean it," the tray lady said but I meant what I said.

"Can you excuse us for a minute? e" Zaviyar said and after listening to her I instantly hold the tea lady's hand tightly as I don't want to leave me alone with this devil.

Zaviyar arch his brow at my act and the lady freed her hand from my grip and the leave not before giving me a last sympathetic look and closing the doors behind me. So now it's only Devil and m.

I look at him and see him already looking at me then our eyes met.
Blue against black!

she instantly looked away as she cannot match his gaze. She looked down at the floor.

"What did you say to her," he asked deadly calm which almost sucks the life out of me. I didn't say anything, I don't have any words to say. I was scared would be an understatement I was petrified at that moment, unable to move and unable to talk because of the fear.

Then he suddenly hold my jaws in his steel grip "Answer " he said while giving a jerk on my jaws to apply pressure on his words "i-i it " I was trying to say something but nothing came out of my mouth.

"When I told you that you will never leave this place ever ... you didn't listen," he asked Appling more pressure on my jaws. "N-no" shutters with great difficulty.

"I'm not a very forgiving person, Aykiz and for what you did you deserve a punishment. ..... we are marrying today, "he said while leaving my jaw, after listening to those words my whole world crashed on me I don't have any strength left to stand as soon as he left my jaws in fell on the floor tears were continuously running down my cheeks.

He was about to leave the room when he turn around and said "And for your punishment, it will be given to you on our wedding night" he said winked at me and left.

I kept looking at the door from where he left. I was crying badly I don't want this yah Allah please help I kept crying half an hour later the same lady came into my room while holding a Red bridal dress in her hands she came inside the room and put the dress on the bed then she came towards me and helped me up.

"Go take a bath and then the stylist will come and help you to get ready," the lady said
"Ummm..what's your name," I asked her
"Aysha, but you can call me whatever you want "
"Umm ok Aysha aunty "
"Now go take a bath"

I get into the bathroom and started to take a bath. It feels so good to take a bath after days. While taking the shower I thought that I will never marry that man. I will do everything he wants but at the time of acception I will deny him we will not be able to do anything in front of guests and then I'll ask any guest to help me.
Fantastic plan Aykiz.

By the time I got out of the shower it was 2:00 pm I came outside and saw the wedding dress. It was a red lehenga with golden embroidery the dupatta of the lehenga was also full of golden embroidery it looks like a typical Pakistani lehenga. But trust me I don't like it even a bit not because it's not beautiful but because given to me by him. I hate everything that belongs to him. I hate everything that he owns. His house, his cars, his money, this dress even him I hate him alo, I never hate anyone sometimes I don't like someone but never hate but this guy told me the true meaning of hatred

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