2.Good decision

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Drive to Chapeltown, my aunt's place is not going more than forty minutes from my home. I started from my place around 10 A.M, after few failed attempts of trying to coax my mother to not let me go. But guess what, I am driving to my aunt's place in this cold weather.

The snow covered road looked like one from those famous paintings. Beautiful and calm. But the beautiful and calm weather was making it impossible to drive. I had to make sure to drive a tad bit slower. As I continued my dreadful journey, my phone rang. Looking at the caller id, I was relieved to find that it was Harry and not my nagging aunt, asking me where I had reached.

"Harry. I am so glad you called." I said, quiet excitedly.

"Woah, you sound as if you were dying to hear from us." He said as he chuckled.

"Us? Who's us?" Skepticism in my voice.

"Niall thought of surprising Alice for Christmas, so he came to Holmes Chapel today morning."

Ah, yes Alice was from Harry's place. Niall met Alice when we, boys decided to surprise Harry on his birthday, four years back. Alice was working at a Bookstore and he bumped into her. From then on, our Nialler is on his wonderland with Alice. She's a great girl. With short blonde hair and round blue eyes. More than her appearance, what matters for me is how she treats and loves Niall and she does a pretty good job at that so it's not a problem for us.

"Oi..ooi" Came from the other side of the phone.

I laughed, as I realized it was Niall and replied with my famous "Oi..oiii"

"Whatcha doin, Tommo?" Niall asked.

"I am going to my Aunt's place, damn it. I feel like a little boy again." I groaned.

I received few stifled laughs, "Oooh, that aunt who's always behind you, nagging?" Harry inquired.

"Yeah..yeah. By the way what are you boys doing? Did Liam and Zayn land okay? I didn't get to call them."

"We are uh, having a couple of beer, chillin', yeah they reached fine. Call them when you get time."

"Ugh, beer..I'm thirsty now." I told them, as I reached for the bottle in the cup holder, to find it empty. Cursing under breath, I looked back and found no bottle of water.

"There's no water, in my car." I complained to the lads.

"Quite complaining, buy a bottle, you idiot." Niall said laughing.

"Yeah, wait, I see a small grocery store. Hope our loyal supporters aren't in there." I sassed, as I am in no mood to be mobbed.

"Careful bro, call you later. Take care." Harry said.

Next Niall and I bid goodbyes and end the call.

I parked my car in the parking lot of the grocery store and got down from the car. I pulled my sweaters closer to my body as I felt strangled by the very very cold wind and pulled at my cap, just for safety.

I got inside the store and felt relatively happy for two reasons, one, to find very few people, and those people were mostly elders. Second, the store was warm and smelled of hot chocolate. Uh weird, but good weird. I walked to the aisle where water and other beverages are kept. I took a bottle of water and didn't bother to look at other beverages because I am damn sure, my aunt would have already prepared big feast. Even though, I didn't like going there, I loved to eat the meal which she cooks. I got few chocolates and cookies for aunt and went to the checkout.

"Hi dear, we love your music." An elderly couple came to me while I gave my things to the cashier girl. The couple must be around early seventies and they looked really lovely together. I enjoyed when the older people compliments on our music. It engulfs me in a proud feeling.

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