Heart Stopped

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A grumpy looking girl slammed the car door shut. "Hard day?" An amused voice asked. "Shut up Lara!" Amity growled. Lara turned around, eyebrows reseating into her hairline. "Is that how you talk to your superior?" 

"You are not my superior and driver step on it!" 

"Yes ma'am."

"Well I certainly have more authority than you."

Amity mumbled something too quiet and broody for Lara or the driver to hear. "Well in all seriousness what has your titties in a twist." Lara could see the blush creeping on the young girl's face. "Just another person trying to drag me back to the manor." Lara perked up in interest, "Ooooo~ where they cute?" Lara snickered at Amity's flusteredness. "I- well- thats ughh!" Amity dragged her hands down her face, "That's not the point, the interaction was weird it was like she actually knew me, but I know Luz was just trying to drag me back to the manor." 

"So you're on a first name basis now? Moving a little fast don't you think?" 

"How is it that i'm always the one acting like an adult while you act like a child, hmm?"

Lara put a hand over her heart, "Amity how dare you, you wound me with your hurtful words." Amity rolled her eyes, "You'll heal."  Lara simply hummned. After a few minutes of angry banter and quietness the car pulled to a stop outside an abandoned building. "Alright here's your stop, have a nice day." Amity scrunched her nose in disgust as the driver flashed a big (creepy) smile, showing off his crooked, yellow teeth. "This will be fun." Amity stated sarcastically peering at the dirty place. "Well where would you like to meet, a fancy hotel? The boss would have his ass thrown in jail at the first sighting." Amity huffed but didn't complain any further, she knows what Lara is saying is true. 

Although no one knows who the boss is or that the boss is the one responsible for all the terrorism in the state, he still is known for arson and murder (or thats what he says). The boss never ceases to creep her out, even when Amity is just thinking about him. Whenever they are in the same room he gives off a predatory vibe, he's the hunter and she's the prey. It is a little comforting to know she isn't the only one who feels this way. Amity can feel and see the tension the other people give when they're with the boss. Although that doesn't mean they would ever let anyone know, being scared is weakness and you can't be a good murder if you have a weakness. 

The boss isn't the only one who creeps Amity out, pretty much everyone in the business does. Lara and a few friends are the only people who she feels safe enough to not have to sleep with one eye open all the time. It's actually kind of nice. 

"Going to see the boss?" One of the adults inside ask. "Yep and are you going to keep gambling away all your money?" Lara sneers. The guy sneers back before turning back to his game. Amity gives off an annoyed sigh as a beer bottle collides with the floor. "YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING YOU FUCKING CHEATED!" Lara quickly puts her hands on Amity's shoulders steering her away from the commotion and into a hallway. "Lets go before things escalate." Amity gave a stiff nod. At that moment they heard a gun clock and mock laughter. Amity swallows tightly walking a little faster than before, this is why she stays out of group assignments and avoids group gatherings with these people. One minute you're playing a nice game of poker and the next you're avoiding getting attacked by angry drunks. It's disgusting. 

Amity stops just outside a heavily graffitied door. Lara tries to give a reassuring smile, but it just looks like she might throw up. "Let's do this." Amity says rapping on the door. "Come in." A flat voice says. Pushing open the door Amity could see the boss inside studying a piece of paper. His usual mask that he wore was discarded to the floor, revealing his hideous face. He had big ugly scares trailing down his face and onto his neck. His light brown hair flopped over his eyes, hiding the burns that aligned his forehead. Amity could feel her hands starting to shake when he looked up and smiled. That smile was like a snake entrapping her in its grasp, squeezing so hard she could barely breathe. 

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