Five | Proof

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Peri and Renee were as ready as they'd ever been. It was the day they were finally leaving, only a few minutes until they departed. Right now, they were saying their goodbyes to Austen who had a frown apparently stuck to his face, but it soon melted off as Renee kissed him goodbye. Their last kiss- at least, for a while... five hours maybe.

"If something bad goes down, you get right back here, 'Kay?" He told the girls.

"Relax! They'll be fine!" Ms Jennifer's voice echoed in the large room.

Austen had muttered something, inaudible to the girls, but Ms Jennifer had heard and sent him a sharp look. She walked down the steps from ground level and met the three where the submarine was parked, ready to be deployed with Renee and Peri inside.

"Renee, Periwinkle," Ms Jennifer said, smiling. Peri's face scrunched up when she had said her full name- it was weird for someone to call her that instead of Peri. "There is a safety video to watch inside the submarine, along with all the supplies you will need for this trip including clothes."

"That's why you asked what size we were!" Renee exclaimed.

"Correct." smiles Ms Jennifer, "Remember girls, this is the submarine that you are taking to Atlantis." she's all business now, "this piece of metal is worth millions of dollars. which is why Peri, your driving it, and Renee, your using theses tools" Ms Jennifer gestures to some sort of plier type tools on a blueprint of the submarine there diving in. Renee walks over to a cart of sorts and puts her finger onto the touchpad looking at the video that they were going to be watching.

"Holy shit." breathes Renee, looking at the amount of time for the video on the submarine, "this video is like two hours long." Peri adjusts her stance to look at Renee, but trips on a long black wire instead. She follows it with her eyes, the wire parts in the middle to a computer and very expensive looking projector. She steps off of the wire.

"Yes, it is." Ms Jennifer doesn't flinch at the language, "And I assure you girls, it's as boring as it looks." the title page of the Video was a grey picture of the submarine in water... Very interesting. Renee beckons for Peri, and she walks over looking at the amount of time the video says, not believing Renee.

"Awesome." Peri grumbles, at the same time Renee mutters, "Great." The girls huff out sighs and walk over to their boss.

"Please listen to the whole thing though, partly because this might be one of the most complicated things to maneuver and use... and partly because the man who created this video created the Submarine. So he quite literally knows everything about this ship."

"He sounds like the kind of guy who would sit staring at a hunk of metal for like three hours." Renee whispers to Peri.

"In other words: a depressed lonely one." snickers Peri.

"The devil is saving my seat in hell." mutters Renee, the girls snicker.

"Here is the video." Ms Jennifer starts the video, "i hope you don't fall asleep." she walks out of the room, leaving the girls with a five foot by eight foot screen, slowly zooming into a small black speck on the ocean.


Two grueling hours later, the girls sit helplessly in plastic chairs, almost asleep. They had sat through the whole thing without sleeping, which had been a surprise to everyone. Even Austen, who had been there only for Renee's sake, had fallen under the sleeping spell.

"Well, congrats, girls!" Ms Jennifer's voice woke them. "You're ready to drive the submarine! I'd let you rest, but there is no time to waste!"

The girls looked at each other and smiled. They were very rarely as excited as this, and the last time they were, they had gotten into several Universities and had to choose which one to go to. Renee and Peri hugged Austen one last time before they stepped into the submarine. Ms Jennifer had said that Peri would drive, so she took the drivers seat with Renee sitting next to her. Of course, Renee was in charge of the weapons- which the girls were surprised they had -and Peri was driving. It wasn't a mystery that Renee had been a bad driver.

The first thing they did was check and double check that everything was secure and ready for their departure. The second thing they did was check what kind of clothes Ms Jennifer had gotten them and what other things were at their disposal to use. The clothes were mostly the same- t-shirts, jeans, a couple pairs of really short shorts for some reason, long sleeve shirts, sweaters, and puffy jackets in case they got cold. Of course, there was also blankets and pillows in the built-in bunk beds.

"Top!" Renee called at the same time Peri called, "Bottom!"

Soon everything was in check and accounted for. Peri readied the ship and began to depart. Renee waved at everyone as they sunk lower and lower into the calm waters. Peri turned on the front and back lights of the submarine so that they could see better as they gazed in wonder at the hidden world beyond. There was beautiful colors in different shades of coral, and fish- tons of fish. Some of them were normal fish, just silver and blue. While others were brightly colored and looked beautiful as Peri drove the submarine closer to the Bermuda Triangle's edge. At they entered the strange waters, the fish began to disappear.

"I wonder why they aren't here . . ." Peri wondered aloud.

"Yeah, same," Renee said quickly, standing up and bringing a blanket back for her shivering friend.

"Thanks," Peri smiled and wrapped the warm blanket around herself, which she found out was an electric blanket. "You're the best."

"I know," Renee flicked her hair jokingly and giggled.

"What's . . ." Peri's voice seemed to be lost as she stared at what was in front of them. Renee's voice, too, seemed to be gone as she opened her mouth to speak but no voice came out.

The girls had accidentally entered a cave in which was led to brightly colored gates of blue, green, purple, pink, orange, red, and many others Renee didn't have time to name. Why she didn't have time, you ask?

Why, that's because she was too focused on the glowing men standing guard outside the gates, that were staring at the sub. Well, more staring into the submarine at the girls who stared with their mouths open.

"We made it . . ." Renee finally gasped out the words.

"Atlantis," Peri agreed.


Hello there readers, another chapter had sprung up! I hope you've enjoyed this because me and Rabbit are already working on another chapter! I can't wait to write the rest of it and for you to read it. Thanks for reading, all of you!!!

Rabbit hereeee! The suspense is real! I know that not alot of people read our stories, and we want to change that. But for those of you who do, could you please vote? Anyway, I hope that'll keep you on your toes... Thank you so much!!!

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