Eleven | Just Keep Swimming, Swimming, Swimming

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Two hours before:

The boys were with their friends, they were hiking to the chest. They had been going there every single day especially since they were still banned-- like always-- to go to the land. But the part that made going to the chest so fun was that they had buried it in kelp and seaweed, which was in the ocean. Keaton and Ronan's father had banned them from the land and the wilds-- it was like a human forest but it was filled with kelp, coral, seaweed, and creatures like giant squid, giant octopus, etc-- but not the ocean... the ocean is where the boys and their friends found their most important treasures.

"Did you guys find any evidence that the ladies were alive?" Ronan asks, casting water away with a glance. "Key and I tried but the only thing we found were some legends about un-named saviors."

"Yeah, we didn't find anything really either," Russel said, extending a hand toward the chest only to have it smacked away by Keaton, who only laughed. "Only that they might've left Atlantis to go to the human world— they've never been heard from since then."

Ronan nodded, eagerly picking up the book and flipping through it. "Maybe we should bring this up, you know, subtly to our mom. Not dad— he'd probably freak."

"Yeah," Keaton nodded, agreeing. 

Tobias picks up a Golde from the dry sand— Keaton and Ronan were casting away all the water around them and their friends— and brushes the sand off of the coin, slipping it into his pocket. "Did you guys get to see your girlfriends again?" he teases, getting a good natured glare from Keaton and a laugh from Ronan.

"Sadly, no—" starts Ronan, his twin interrupting him.

"But I love thee with a love that shall not die, until the sun grows cold and the stars grow old." Keaton quotes a poet called Bayard Taylor— something he did a lot... humans were like entertainment to him. That specific quote was from a book called 'The Poems of Bayard Taylor', Keaton and Ronan had snuck into one of the many labs in the palace and stole that book and something called a phone charger.  

There still was a little bit of a hike until they got to the chest, the boys were about halfway there. Ronan looked to his left; the water, bending to his will. To the left of Keaton was a solid wall of water— very much like his and Ronan's room— filled with colorful fish weaving through tall stalks of seaweed and thick walls of coral. The water this deep was crystal clear, the only problem was that if your light source ran out and you didn't have Hydro Manipulator with you, you were out of luck. Hydro Manipulators— Keaton and Ronan— could get water to do anything, and they could draw light from it, so that was good... but the best thing they could do was mold it. For example they could create a shield or wall out of the water in the air... the point was, that Hydro Manipulators were unstoppable with enough energy and water.

The chest, still there in it's worn state, was now being opened and filtered through. They all were eagerly looking through, looking at the human things with interest though still being careful enough to not break anything.

Soon seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into half-hours, half-hours turned into hours, and hours turned into two hours. That's when the alarm went off— when both Ronan and Keaton looked at each other. A missing piece of them was close— so close in fact, they could almost feel it.

The alarm came from the gate— the gate. They couldn't believe it. The girls had come back— they'd come back!! They were here, in Atlantis! They could see them again!!

Ronan and Keaton took off, leaving their friends behind. All they needed to do was to keep swimming— just keep swimming. Then they'll make it. They'll see the girls again. And the hole that had been where their hearts were, would be closed up. And they'd be a full piece again— the humans who had stolen their hearts were back, and they weren't going to lose them again.

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