Twelve | Anastasia and Anita

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Renee woke up in a plush bed next to Peri looking at her. "Where are we?" Peri says rubbing her tired eyes.

"I have no clue--" Renee is interrupted by a singsong voice.

"Oh Joy! I am so glad that the two of you are woken!" the girls look up to the owner of the voice; a beautiful women with dark hair and the same silver eyes as the boy from earlier, "I am Queen Alexandria! It is a pleasure to meet you." Her voice didnt have an accent of any type, but somehow it sounded... fancier. She was carrying two bags in an arm, each of them draped like something heavy was inside

"Hi," started Peri.

"Where the hell are we?" Renee finishes the statement, both of the girls sit up.

The room they were in was beautiful, they were sitting in an enormous bed and around the bed there was a fine rug of what looked like fur and on the left of the bed there was a wooden dresser.

Queen Alexandria gestures to the room, "You are in Atlantis, My dears. But not the Atlantis you know, in your version we are probably an early civilization, not evolved to the point of humanity. We are in the version where we have evolve past humanity, where we have technology that your exceeds your creations. Like this," she holds up a delicate hand and shows of a ring with a soft purple crystal on it, she twisted the crystal and it came off, the base glowed up showing a light purple hologram saying Property of Alexandria Ashley Dion. "Or this," she twists the ring again and the top shows a smooth layer slowly turning into a point, a point made out of a hologram.  Alexandria takes out a piece of paper out of her dress, she puts it near the point and it turns into ash in her hand, skipping the fire part completely.

"Oh. My. God."

"Holy crow."

 Queen Alexandria smiles and twist the top twice and sets the stone back atop it. 

"Oh my god, indeed." she lays the two bags on the end of the bed takes a seat. "But I have to go, those," she gestures to the bags resting on the bed, "are your gowns, servants will be over shortly to help you with your hair." Then before any of the girls could ask questions, Queen Alexandria left the room. 

The girls sat in silence for a few moments, "What do we do now?" Peri says. They were trained for rapid beasts who threatened to rip out their throat and eat it for dinner, not proper ladies who sent servants and told them to get dressed in gowns.

Renee shrugged, "Get dressed, I guess." they get up, looking at the bags. Peri took the one with her name on it and Renee took the other. A knock sounded on the door and four people came in, "Um, hi." 

"Hi," Smiles one with dirty blond hair, she had an accent but the girls couldn't place where it was from. "we are here to help you." another girl with the same blond hair finishes.

"Uh-- thanks, I think." Peri stutters.

"Your welcome, I am Anastasia and this is Anita." Anastasia gestured to her sister then Anita spoke to the other two people and says something that sounds like music was coming from her mouth, like she was singing almost.

Anastasia took the bag out of Renee's hand and opened it, it was a dress made of what looked like silk, layers and layers of silk. It was a beautiful ashy blue off the shoulder dress— or gown —that went down to her feet. Anita took out Peri's dress; almost the same thing but in a shade of ashy green. Both the same, but different somehow.

"But you can call me Anna," Anastasia told them. "These are your dresses, we'll help you put them on if you need it."

"Okay!" Peri squeaked, obviously trying to be nice and trying to assure herself they aren't just dressing her up to kill her. Maybe that was, like, a thing in Atlantis.

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