Fifteen | Water Pods

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The water pods weren't like cars at all. They zipped through the ocean lightning fast, watching the water bubbling near them, they were kind of cone shaped with a point at the top like a bullet. And according to Keaton they moved three hundred miles an hour. Keaton and Renee were in one and Peri and Ronan were in another, apparently they were used for transportation in the ocean and to get to places, that would usually take hours or even days, in minutes.

"Holy hell!" Renee screamed watching everything zip by around her, "This is awesome!"

"I know!" Keaton screams back. "The first versions were created when your race created--"

"Oh shut up! Be in the moment Keaton!" Colors went by in a blur, as soon as they were there, they weren't.

Ronan rode in the seat next to Peri, letting her control the water pod, "This is amazing!" She yelled, smiling.

"It is!" Ronan says looking at Peri in adoration.

"Stop looking at me like tha—" Peri said before she screamed.

They had gone into an underwater tunnel, and it was pitch black. Water bubbles formed all around them. The water pods zipped through the pitch black and as soon as it was there it wasn't. Light filled the pods, blinding the teens for a millisecond.

The pods slowed as they passed a strong current before speeding back up, making all four scream in surprise. They drove the pods in a large circle, eventually ending back at Keaton and Ronan's house. Renee and Peri got off the pods and tried to stay upright before falling on top of each other.

"Oh my gosh— that was awesome!" Renee laughed, trying to stand up again but deciding not to when the world was still spinning.

"Yeah!" Peri agreed, successfully getting off the ground and leaning on Ronan while the world calmed and settled into one place instead of spinning.

Ronan and Keaton just laughed at them, smiling wide as they watched the dizzy girls. Ronan laced his hand with Peri's and guided her inside the building, heading toward his and Keaton's shared room. Keaton tried doing the same, but Renee snatched her hand out of his and followed Peri with a very sad Keaton in tow.

"Alright, Ren—" Peri started but was cut off by a ringtone.

"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna—" the phone inside Renee's pocket sounded before she picked it up.

"Hey, what's up?" She asked the person who had called her. After a few seconds, a "No way!" followed. An unhappy "No way."

"Why the hell would he do that?!" Renee sounded exasperated.

Peri looked at her, furrowing her brows only to be waved off by Renee. "Yeah, yeah, okay. Lemme talk to him," Renee said into the phone.

After a few minutes of everyone just staring at Renee, who was tapping her foot in impatience, the phone finally got to whoever it was about. Renee shouted, "YOU IDIOT! WHY THE HECK WOULD YOU DO THAT?! AND WHEN I'M NOT THERE, TOO?! WHO THE HECK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!"

Peri winced and Renee started pacing back and forth. "No, I can't bail you out from Atlantis, idiot. . . No, I'm not going to hack into the police department just to let you go. . . Call someone else then!"

Exasperated, Renee angrily said goodbye before hanging up and stuffing the phone back into her pocket. She looked around the room at the wide-eyed faces, each of them silently asking what happened and who she was talking to. She sighed, rubbed my eyes, and started talking.

"That was Austen being an idiot— he was caught trying to steal another submarine to get here. Even if he did succeed though, the submarine wasn't ready to be driven and would probably crash and kill Austen inside!" Renee sighed. "Some boyfriend I have"—she looked at Keaton—"but I love him anyway, so yeah."

"Shit." Curses Peri, she snatched her hand away from Ronan's and pushed it through her hair. "I mean I knew that he was an idiot, but I didn't think he would risk his life out of his idiocy."

"We have to go back to the computer room." Renee said exasperated, "Right now. We have to go right now." Renee huffs a long breath and brings a finger to her mouth. She walks over to an empty hallway, Peri, Keaton, and Ronan following. Peri and Renee sit down before desks and laptops, quickly typing something and getting to R.L.E.O.'s website. They went to a worker log in page and typed in some passwords and usernames, getting to another page filled colorful with links and pictures.

"What's that?" Ronan points to a picture of all of the R.L.E.O workers smiling with their arms around each other, welcoming their newest and youngest co-workers. "Who's that?" Ronan points to Ms. Jennifer.

"That's our boss, Ms. Jennifer."


That was definitely not the girl's boss. That was the rouge human who somehow got into Atlantis. That was Amelia Earhart.

"You sure?" Ronan asked, doing his best to be nonchalant.

"Yes." Peri gives him a are you stupid? look.

"Do you think we would take a picture with some random woman?" Renee looked up from her computer and raised an eyebrow, "hm?" When the boys didn't answer, she looked back down.

Keaton looked to the door then back at his brother, signaling for them to leave. "Bye ladies." Ronan smiled brightly, but as soon as his back was turned, him and Keaton let their faces fall into the grim expressions it seemed they were stuck as.

See, this was bad... This was very bad. Amelia Earhart, or Ms. Jennifer as the girls called that devil, was bad. Ronan and Keaton's dad had educated them enough on the topic of the flying woman that they would recognize her anywear. Even with longer hair and different clothes. She couldn't disguise the fact that she had tried to destroy Atlantis before they were born .

Amelia Earhart, though known as a hero in the human world, tried to destroy the city of Atlantis. In Atlantis, she was known as the reincarnation of the devil himself, set out to destroy the most beautiful, advanced, and successful city in history. Even after Atlantis sank from the land above, it continued to grow and advance in technology, and the people even developed abilities to help in their normal lives under the water.

"What should we do? Tell our parents?" Ronan asked.

"Hell no! What do you think would be their reaction?!"

Ronan considered it. The king growing angry, kicking the girls who didn't know anything about Amelia's horrible plot out of Atlantis never to return, if they came back they would surely die, and then the king going out of Atlantis to find Amelia and make sure she died. That was the most logical answer to what their father would do, so Ronan shook his head and sighed.

"But, picture this, he goes on the rampage and that stuff, but leaves the girls alone because they had nothing to do with it! Wouldn't that be nice?"

"Yes, it would be nice, but it isn't possible. As you can see, our father acts before he thinks. He doesn't care about who did it or not, just that whoever did it gets punished no matter how many innocent people it takes to get to them. Especially if they are humans," Keaton reminded him. "As much as I want them to stay and continue their beloved work, I don't think one can live while the other survives. One has to live, and the other has to be gone."

Ronan frowned. He didn't understand why his father was like that, but he understood what Keaton meant. If they stayed, they would have to give up their research. But if they continued their work, the girls would have to leave. Neither Ronan nor Keaton could live without those two in their lives, so if they left it would feel like a hole had been ripped right through their middles.

"So what, we just let them stay and hope father never finds out?" Ronan asked.

"We hope for the best. That's all we can do right now, Ronan. Just wait and hope for the best," Keaton sighed and raised an arm to pat his brother on the back.

Hey guys! Told you this would be out soon— although, not very soon, sorry about that. I hope you've enjoyed this and stayed with us this long. I hope the next chapter will be out soon as well. Au revoir!! ~Scooter

Hi people... wow we really to that schedule thing and tossed it in the trash-- anyway, i promise that a next chapter will be coming sooner then it did this time. Vote, Comment, Bye! ~rAbBiT

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