Chapter 3: Nice co-workers?

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Chapter 3: Nice co-workers?

With a sigh, (y/n) put on her clothes on. A pair of high waisted jeans, a knitted vest, and a denim jacket. She also put on comfortable heels, feeling confident with her professional look.

She was slightly afraid that she would make a bad impression, but she couldn't really hold herself back because of that. She needed this job, and she was going to get this, no matter what. She didn't have much of a choice. She sent out so many requests, and only this place replied to her. She needed to try her best.

With a sigh, she slowly gets out of her room, holding her handbag close to her. Her phone, remaining cents, and lipstick were in there. Thankfully, while she looked around, she had found a red lipstick in one of the boxes, but nothing more. That was going to be troublesome. She didn't have money for makeup. Yes, she was a beautiful woman, but she was human and she had a few flaws here and there too that make-up could help fix.

The moment the door opened, (Y/n) came face to shoulders with Sans. She looked down at him, as he frowned. He looked her up and down as if he was deciding something, before starting to speak.

"Where are you going?" He asked, his tone hostile, like the last time the two talked. (y/n) simply sighed, not really wanting to deal with this. She needed to put herself in a good mood, so this was not good. But she needed to try and be nice. otherwise, things would get worse and she didn't want that.

"I'm going to a work interview," She said, giving him a smile. He seemed to stare at her again like he was trying to search for anything that was going to prove that she was lying, and getting more agitated when he found nothing.

"..." He said nothing for a second, looking angry before he sighed. But he didn't move away. Of course, she wasn't in a hurry to get to the library just yet, seeing as she had at least a few hours left, but still. She didn't want to spend her time with him, of all people.

"Can I help you with anything?" she asked, a little bit unsure as to why he was staring at her. That seemed to snap him out, as his frown deepened, as he muttered out his offer.

"You don't know your way around, yeah?.. I'll show you to your interview. Where are you going?" He asked, glancing at her. If she didn't know better, she would think he was going to try and be nicer to her, but she wasn't stupid. She knew this. This happened in the game too. Sans is just trying to understand if (y/n) lying about going to a job interview. In the game, the villainess was lying, worsening their relationship, but thankfully, (y/n) wasn't lying here.

".. Well. That would be wonderful, thank you" Of course, she was uncomfortable with being driven to the library by Sans but stars, did she have an option? She needed to get there somehow and he was giving her the easy way out of it. But the question was, what's the catch? "Though... What do you want in exchange for that?"

Sans stared at her for a second, before rolling his eyelights. She didn't understand why such a reaction, as she shrugged her shoulders a little bit. "I don't need anything from you, human. I'm going into town, so I might as well try. Besides, I want to talk to you"

Well, that didn't seem good at all. What would the two of them have to talk about? Both of them didn't exactly like one another, now did they? So, what Sans wanted from her, was probably some sort of threat...

"Well, alright then. Would it be okay if we head off now, then?" she said, wanting to get this over right now. She just didn't have the time or want to deal with this. It was... useless, honestly. To wait around and hope that nothing will happen. It was best to just get this over with and be done.

".. Yeah, let's go," Sans said, sighing, as he nodded his head. It seemed that both wanted to get this over with as fast as possible, as they hurried towards the outside, trying to get to his car.

Villainous pursuit - Yandere AU Sans x Reader x Yandere AU PapyrusWhere stories live. Discover now