Chapter 6: A Bad End for you, you and you

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Chapter 6: A Bad End for you, you, and you.

People say that when you die, you see your life flash before your eyes. They say that you see the light before your eyes, but. But it was nothing like that for you. You were weak. You were in pain. But you did not see your life flash before your eyes. It was truly cruel, how you just wanted to go and deliver the leftover food to the cabin, where Soot and Umber were residing.

"YOU FUCKING FREAK!" You heard from Soot, as Umber was hiding behind one of the walls, looking scared, as Soot continued to stop with his foot on your face. Crack, crack, crack, over and over again, you heard your skull and nose breaking. It hurt. It hurt so much, that you couldn't focus on anything else.

You wanted to cry. You wanted to do anything. To fight back but. But it seemed that there was no point. You had no power. Your arms were broken, and your whole body feeling like it would break in two at any moment.

The world was a cruel place. That you knew yourself. But you never thoughts that your death would have been so brutal, so slow, and dreadful. You thought you were a good person. You believed that you would have a painless and almost instantaneous death, but instead, you were here, awaiting your demise with no chance of fighting back.

Weakly, you try to grab his leg, to try and stop him, but he grabbed your hand, and without much effort, broke it, making you want to let out another painful scream, but you had screamed everything you had out already. You were now left here, to the merciless attack of the human who continued to stop on your head.

The last stop was the least painful. Maybe you have gotten used to the needlessly drawn-out torture. Maybe you have been numbed out by the previous stomps. Or maybe the pitiful glances that Umber was showing you had finally irritated you. You hated that look. Why was he looking, but not helping? You didn't need pity. You needed help. Help that you didn't receive until the very last breath.

You never wanted to end up like this. You never thought your death would even be this brutal. You are expected to die from old age or an old age illness. You wanted to die in your own world, and not this hell. But. Maybe you were already dead in your original world, and that was why you were here? It would make sense why you can't remember more and more of your world the more time you spend here.

As cruel as it sounded, this was an escape too, wasn't it? An escape from this cruel world. A painful, unwanted escape, but an escape nonetheless. And you had no right to be ungrateful. Not that you had any energy to be ungrateful. You just hoped that... One day, you would be reborn in a world where you could finally reach your dreams of living a normal life.


BAD END ONE: One unneeded meal with a boy filled with anger issues. Yummy.

Cause of death: Stomped to death by Soot, after visiting him to bring some extra supplies that Boss asked you to bring. Umber was there to witness your death, but did nothing, as Soot stopped on you 14 times, making your death slow and agonizing. To add to the mix, he broke your hand when you tried to stop him.

Image of the incident: (Will be added in case of a fanart of the scene being added)

Days survived: 5 days

The person who has the highest level: Tatters (your friend).

How was this person affected by your death?: Tatters was completely heartbroken. He couldn't believe that his only friend had gone through such a brutal death. To avenge you, he had murdered Soot in a brutal way too, before taking the punishment he received, not caring too much, seeing as he was happy he avenged you.

Villainous pursuit - Yandere AU Sans x Reader x Yandere AU PapyrusWhere stories live. Discover now