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preface !


welcome to the story of
aesira herrmann! this
series will tell the story
of HYDRA's notorious
escapee as she recounts
her version of the events
of the marvel cinematic

this series will follow the
events of the marvel
cinematic universe from
post captain america:
the winter soldier to
(as of november 2022)
thunderbolts. this book
will be following the
events during the
time jump between
captain america: the winter
soldier and captain
america: civil war as
well as the events of
captain america: civil
war. i also ask for you
to not read this if you
have not watched
captain america: the
winter soldier, avengers:
age of ultron or captain
america: civil war, i will
not be blamed for the
films being spoiled if
you read this before
watching the films.

this fic is also connected
 to my other marvel fics as
well as one by my best friend,
izzy (ACourtOfMalfoysSlyth on
here and izzy_gxwer on ao3 )
 in an alternate universe that
we are calling 'endless battles'!
so you will come across mine
and izzy's other marvel original
characters very frequently so
look out for them. i will also be
putting this fic and my other
marvel fics in an easily accessible
series on my profile so you don't
have to look far for them.

i only own aesira, elias, colleen,
alice, jasmine, drahomíra, riley
and their stories. izzy owns eir
and her story and stan lee, his
partners and marvel studios
own the original characters and
plots. i do not wish to take credit
for what is not of my own creation
and i never will.

happy reading! all
comments are welcome
unless they are hateful
or mention any outside
world subjects like
the coronavirus. my
works are an escape
for both me and my
readers from 'the
real world' and i
will not tolerate
any negativity
about me or any
situation we may be
in. criticism is wholly
encouraged and,
please, correct
me if i get something
wrong but i ask
for you to be kind
and courteous to
me and everyone

THE GERMAN DAME - VOLUME 1 ~ BUCKY BARNESWhere stories live. Discover now