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THE GERMAN DAME - VOLUME 1chapter three !

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chapter three !


WITH a smile, I kissed Elias' forehead as I made sure his blanket was keeping him warm and stayed with him for a few minutes, stroking his hair. God, I could remember the first time I held him. They'd shot his mother when she was still in hospital after giving birth to him before they kidnapped him and shoved him in with me. At almost nineteen and having been in captivity for six years already, I hadn't known what to do with a baby. I'd never had any siblings. I'd never even held a baby before. But, when they took him from his mother, they'd dragged me out of my cell and told me he was mine to look after. It was just him and me in a dingy cell alone from then on. He'd have to be in the room when I'd be experimented on and tortured as if it was my fault none of their methods were working. Then, the Avengers secured something that HYDRA needed. HYDRA taking whatever it was that the Avengers saved in New York was when the real experimentation began. And, when they were successful in giving me two more powers, they turned to Elias. I couldn't fight them on it. It was either letting them take him or death for me, which would've let them do whatever they wanted anyway. At least, he'd have someone to hold him afterwards.

I sighed and slowly lifted myself from the bed Bucky had retrieved for us from the other room before walking over to the door, leaving a few inches between the door and the wall with another sigh. I swallowed, smoothing my hand over my hair and closing my eyes. Alles wird gut. Of course it would. Just keep the memories at bay and... And show no emotion. So, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear, I walked back into the main room to see Bucky laying on the sofa with a small black notebook in his hands.

"What's that?" I asked him as I walked past to grab a glass of water.

"Stuff about Captain America," he muttered.

I hummed and sipped my drink. Why was he taking tabs on the Avengers? I shook my head. Why should I care? They had nothing to do with me. So, sipping my drink again, I sat at his feet and stared at him intently. Not enough to read his mind, though. I was just curious.

"Can I help you?"

I blinked and shook my head. I turned back to face the kitchen and swallowed again.

"Now that Elias is asleep, I think we need to establish some rules and boundaries if we're going to stay here." I declared and saw Bucky drop his notebook out of the corner of my eye. "Obviously, I thank you so much for giving us the extra room."

THE GERMAN DAME - VOLUME 1 ~ BUCKY BARNESWhere stories live. Discover now