Chapter Two

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"What do you mean someone broke into the museum?" Ryder asked the mayor.

"I heard an alarm go off while I was watering my tulips," Mayor Goodway explained. "I turned to the museum and saw a person entering the museum through a shattered window on the east side."

"Okay, we're on it. Don't interact because they could be dangerous," Ryder said. He hung up the call and looked over at Chase. "We don't have enough time to call the other pups, so it's up to you and me, Chase."

"These paws uphold the law," Chase exclaimed as they both entered their vehicles. As they drove towards the museum. They noticed the mayor waving at them.

They parked their vehicles in front of the museum entrance and jumped out to greet the mayor. "Mayor Goodway, from where did they enter from?"

"From this window on the east side of the museum," Mayor Goodway explained. They all ran over to the window, and sure enough, the middle window was shattered. Chase examined the shards of glass on the ground.

"Seems to me that they used a rock to break the window," Chase said. "Once the window was broken, they removed all the extra pieces of glass and entered the building. That's why some of the pieces were missing."

Chase entered the building and through the window. Chase was right. A rock laid on the ground, surrounded by broken glass.

"We're going to prevent him from exiting from the entrance," Ryder whispered to Chase from outside. Chase nodded and Ryder and the mayor were gone. Chase made his way forward, cautious of the glass. Luckily, he had his spy boots on, but that won't stop the glass from creating sound if stepped on. He looked outside. It had stopped raining, but the sun was beginning to set.

He turned his flashlight on and looked around. He noticed that some display boxes were broken and some slots were empty. One empty slot had a label that read; The Ancient Blue Diamond Necklace - 200 years old. Chase kept looking around for the thief. He walked around the museum quietly. All the lights were off except for the red emergency lights.

The light shone on the white marble column that held up the dome room. The dome displayed images of how the town originally looked back when Mayor Goodway's ancestor, Grover Goodway, was still mayor. The interior walls were painted white. The large crystal chandelier that was hanging from the ceiling reflected the red light. Some of the jewelry that remained were shining due to the light. Some stairs covered by a red carpet against the far wall led up to the second story. If Chase wasn't on a mission, he would just stand there and admire the building. This was his second time coming into the museum since it opened a couple of months ago. He planned on coming back eventually, once everything was back to normal.

He noticed a light coming from the other room. He turned off his flashlight light and hid. He waited ten seconds before looking out from behind the display case. The thief was making his way upstairs.

Excellent, Chase thought. My plan is going just as planned. He has nowhere to go.

He made his way to the stairs and went up to the second story. He noticed the thief, along with another thief, who must have entered from another window. He was taking another necklace off its display case and put it in a bag by his side.

"Stop," Chase called out. "Stop in the name of the law." The thieves turned around to face the german shepherd. They wore black shoes, black jeans, black hats, black hoodies, and  black masks over their mouths. The one part of the thieves that the police pup could identify was that one had green eyes, Chase could tell was male, and the other had light blue eyes, female. The female thief grabbed a nearby flower vase and threw it at Chase. Chase dodged the vase, but the thieves were escaping through a window. There goes my plan going as planned, Chase thought. I talked too soon. Chase used his net to capture one of them, the male thief, but the other one got away.

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