Chapter Eight

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As Chase wandered through the woods throughout the night, he was just lost in thought. He was thinking about Skye, Marshall, or anyone else from the team. He was thinking about the thieves. Despite them being the ones that made him get lost, that just motivated him more to stop them. He thought about where they could have gone to. He knew they went south.

He remembered hearing about some abandoned cabins about two hours south of the town. They used to talk about getting them fixed up and use them as their very own cabins for trips. That could be their destination. It was far enough from town to not be detected. It was hidden in the woods. It was perfect to be used as a hidden base. Chase was determined to stop them and retrieve all the stolen artifacts. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he didn’t finish this mission.

He kept on walking by the riverside until the river split in two. He didn’t know which way to go. The stream on the left led to the forest while the other stream kept going forward between two mountains. The moon was on top of him, so he knew that it was already midnight. He has already been missing for five hours. The wind blew by, sending a chill down his spine. He also felt as if something, or someone, was watching him. He looked around but couldn’t see anyone so he shook off the feeling. He looked up and noticed that he was surrounded by three mountains that were separated by the river.

I may be able to get a better view from the top of these mountains, he thought. He searched for something to help him get to the top. He looked behind and realized that he still had his pup pack. He palmed his forehead. Fortunately, it was his spy pack. He barked out his zip line and pointed upward. He chose the mountain he found easiest to climb, which was luckily the tallest, and shot out the line. The suction cup at the end of the line had attached itself to the side of the mountain. Chase used the suction cups on the bottom of his boots to climb the mountainside.

He started climbing upwards. As he climbed the side of the mountain, he thought about how much the team would love to do this with him. He figured that, when... he gets back to the Lookout, he would bring Ryder and the others here. One, to have fun climbing and hiking, and two, because he didn’t know much about this area and they need to study it more so they can get more information. He kept climbing until he felt a tiny rock hit him on his head. He looked up and opened his eyes wide. Instead of grabbing onto the mountain itself, the suction cup got attached to a boulder that was moving closer and closer to the end, unable to support Chase’s weight.

Chase looked around and found a cave in the mountainside. He retracted his line and entered the cave. Just as he was entering the cave, the boulder came crashing down. As it came down, it bumped into other boulders, causing them to fall as well. The boulders blocked the entrance to the cave. Chase called out his flashlight, breathing heavily. He was trapped in the cave. There were cracks between the boulders letting some light and oxygen in.

Chase looked around the cave. The ceiling was barely high enough for him to stand up straight. The area was roughly as wide as Mr. Porter’s van. There was no other exit or entrance to the cave. Chase tried pushing the boulders and they moved slightly, but not too much.

He backed away from the boulders and sat down. The ground was comfortable and warm enough to relax. “Well, as long as I’m in here I should sleep for the rest of the night. They probably won’t start looking for me until the morning anyway,” he told himself. He turned off his flashlight and rested his head on his paws. He did not realize how exhausted he was before. He drifted off to sleep fairly quickly. He woke up to the sunlight entering through the cracks in the boulders, hitting him in the eyes.

Chase covered his eyes from the sun and slept for an hour longer. He eventually woke up, stretched his front paws, and sat back down. He scratched behind his ear using his hind leg and looked over at the boulders. He walked over to them and pushed the top one. It took a lot of effort, but he was finally able to make it fall. He tried it again with another boulder that came down faster than the first. When he pushed the third one, all the remaining boulders fell as well. He walked out of the cave and winced as the sunshine hit him in the eyes.

Once he got used to the brightness, he looked around. He was roughly forty feet above the river. Chase was barely halfway there. He looked at the spot where the streams split. The one that went forward turned around and went the other way a quarter-mile away. The one that leads to the forest turned right further on in the distance. He figured that the one that passed through the forest was his best bet to make it to the bay. He climbed his way down using his rope and landed on top of the boulders. He got off of them and turned left to follow the stream, not knowing that the other one was the correct choice. He followed the stream that went through the forest. At one point, he had to swim to the other side of the stream because he was not able to pass through the trees on that side of the river. As he stepped in, the cold water touched his warm fur, causing him to shiver. He kept on moving. He looked down at the water and noticed that there were small fish in the water. They had silver scales with a red line running horizontally along the side of the fish. They swam between his legs, some occasionally rubbing against his paws. He kept moving forward until he reached the other side of the river. He walked along the riverside for about twenty minutes when he noticed much more fish going down the river. He found this odd. He turned around and decided that he needed to hide. Catching fish in the river was a bear and two cubs. Chase knew that mother bears were very protective of their cubs. He hid in between the trees and waited for them to pass. He peaked over a bush to get a closer look at the large beasts. One of the cubs, dark brown with a light brown belly and light brown circles around its eyes, was jumping in the water, trying to catch a fish. The other cub, completely light brown, stayed close to its mother, who resembled the first cub just much bigger. They passed by him without noticing him, but he didn’t get out of hiding until at least thirty minutes later.

When he got out, he looked around to make sure that he was sure. Fortunately, the bears were nowhere to be seen. He followed down the river carefully. After walking for an hour and a half, he finally reached the end of the river, but it was not what he expected. Instead of reaching the bay, he ended up in a lake. The water in the lake was so clear, Chase could see the floor and all the fishes in the water. The wind caused waves in the water to crash into the rocks along the shore. Large pine trees surrounded the body of water.  Along the base of the trees, bushes filled with Bayberries were sprouting everywhere. Dears, bunnies, a moose, the bear family, and many other animals enjoyed the lake and its surrounding vegetation. Birds of different sizes and colors flew in the air. Some occasionally dive into the water and catch their lunch. In the far corner, a waterfall landed in the lake from a cliff overseeing the lake. Chase was in awe. He had never seen such a beautiful lake. He wanted to bring the team, but at the same time, he didn’t want this environment to be touched. He decided that he may tell Marshall or Skye, but not everyone.

Chase looked around. He was now further away from the bay. He went down to the bushes and took some Bay berries off of them and washed them in the lake to eat. He walked over to the waterfall and took a sip of the crystal clear water. His eyes shot open. It was the purest water he had ever drank. He took a couple more drinks from the water. He wiped the dripping water from his chin. He was sure that he didn’t want this lake to be affected by civilization. It was way too beautiful for it.

Chase decided to stay there for a while, considering that the sun would go down in a couple of hours. He was somewhat exhausted and knew that he knew that it was unwise to walk around the woods at night. He relaxed along the shore, admiring the lake’s beauty. As he sat there, he wondered what the others may be doing.

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