Chapter 37

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"I hope they're all safe," Sarah sighed.

Harry , Luna , Neville , Ginny , Ron , and Hermione had all set off to London just a few hours ago. I didn't know when they were scheduled to return but I had hoped it wasn't long. I prayed Sirius was safe knowing how important he was to Harry.

"Maybe we should've went with them," I stressed.

"You heard Harry. He said that there should be people staying behind , just in case. And the two of us are perfect for the job," Sarah chuckled. "And anyways they'll be fine."

We turned a corridor now entering the Great Hall for dinner.

"I guess," I sighed. "I'll see you after dinner."

Sarah waved to me goodbye as she started off over to the Hufflepuff table where her friends from Hufflepuff sat waiting for her.

I turned the opposite way starting over to the Slytherin table where Draco , Pansy , and Blaise sat.

I was still annoyed over what had happened earlier today with Draco crawling back to Umbridge's defense once again , but decided to brush it off.

I didn't feel like fighting with Draco considering today was our last night at Hogwarts before we would be returning home for summer break. It would also be my last time seeing Draco for awhile since Sarah and I shift back at the end of Summer each year.

"Kimmie?" Pansy said interrupting my thoughts.

I looked up at Pansy remembering how she aggressively treated me practically like a hostage. It was just another reason to dislike her even more , and no matter how much I wanted to confront her over how she treated me earlier I decided to not.

"Sorry," I apologized.

I looked over to where Draco sat. He was reaching over to the plate of dinner rolls that stood across from him. I chose not to act snobby to him over what had happened earlier today , but I didn't know if he was going to choose differently.

"Pass me a dinner roll?" I asked Draco.

"Catch," Draco joked as he tossed a dinner roll onto my plate. It tumbled off the plate , onto my lap where I picked it up and rolled my eyes sarcastically over how childish he acted.

I knew Draco wasn't mad at me anymore. If he was , he would most likely just ignore me , so this made me happy knowing he wasn't.

As dinner ended I followed the group of students exited the Great Hall. The school year was yet to be ended with today being our last day of school this year.

I continued walking down the corridors making my way to the dungeons. Before I could proceed to walk any further , the structure of a familiar hand grabbed mine causing me to stop in my tracks.

I didn't even have to turn around to know who the hand belong to. Cold rings , cold hands , they belonged to Draco.

I turned around to see my guess was correct. Draco Malfoy stood in front of me.

"Kimmie , I wanted to apologize for what happened earlier today," Draco sighed. "I know I shouldn't have sided with Umbridge again. I'm actually surprised you're not mad at me."

I laughed.

"Draco Malfoy apologizing?" I teased. "That's new."

Draco chuckled.

I took Draco's hand as I pushed past students who were rushing back to their common rooms and dorms. I lead him outside to our spot. The flower field , outside of the castle.

Draco and I had grown to come her often. Neither of us had said it out loud , but we both knew , the flower fields were our spot.

I originally came here at night to think. My thinking spot soon progressed into a spot Draco and I had came to.

Before Draco and I started coming here , I went on my own to talk to the stars and think. I told the stars about him.

We ran outside to the flower fields as rain started to pour down onto us. Instead of turning back inside we embraced the rain and ran into it.

Draco took my hand as we danced into the raining weather throughout the flower field. He smiled at me with soaking hair and drenched clothes.

We danced in the rain that night. Draco made me realize , we've got to live no matter how many skies have fallen.

I looked up at Draco who was already smiling down at me.

"I love you Draco Malfoy," I yelled as he spun me in a circle , with the rain continuing to pour onto us.

"I love you too," Draco yelled.

I wonder how different my life would be if I had never shifted here or how different life would be if I had never met him. Draco was the best thing that could ever happen to me.

"I'm gonna marry you one day Kimberly Johnson," Draco yelled.

I smiled at the thought , but really could that happen? Would there ever be a future that could happen with us?

I'm promising myself I'll never forget him. Im promising myself right now I'll never give up on shifting for him. I met him for a reason. I missed him before we even met.

"I love you endlessly Draco Malfoy," I screamed. "I'll love you forever."

Draco laughed as we danced into a puddle together.

"Forever," he said.

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