Chapter 27

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Sarah and I had attended several secret meetings with Harry. Many other students were also apart of Harry's secret club , which as Harry called it, "Dumbledore's Army."

Umbridge had completely taken over the school. Now that she was headmaster , all she did was come up with crazy rules to toss around. We were like puppets she controlled.

When I meant secret meeting , I meant secret meeting. I was not to tell anyone about the club. And that meant for me to completely hide it from Draco.

My entire Slytherin friend group , which not to mention I was back in good terms with , were helping Umbridge.

Umbridge had a slight idea about Harry's club but didn't have enough evidence to put her finger on it , so she formed a group of students to help figure out what was happening.

Draco and Blaise had asked me several times to join them but I denied obviously because I was apart of what they were after.

I felt bad for lying to them but Harry was right. Voldomort was back and if students weren't getting the correct education on learning defensive spells somebody had to step up and do something.

Harry's club was Dumbledore's army. We didn't know when Voldomort was to return. So rather us sitting around waiting to see we were prepared.

Sarah , Neville , and I were headed to the room of requirement. The room of requirement was where these sessions were taken place.

The room of requirement wasn't just an ordinary room in Hogwarts. It was hard to find and obviously Umbridge could not find it. Even I myself had trouble finding it sometimes.

We were about to turn a corner when we heard a loud noise. We all turned around
immediately to see the door of the room of requirement.

"There it is," Sarah remarked as we walked through the corridors.

"There it is," I replied.

We all watched the door continue forming in amazement. Once it was done forming it opened.

"You've done it guys," Hermione smiled. She was already inside the room of requirement. "You've found the room of requirement!"

"The what?" Neville asked.

"It's also known as the come and go room," Hermione stated. "The room of requirement only appears when a person has real need of it , and is always equipped for the seeker's needs."

"So say you really needed the toilet," Ron started.

I laughed at what Ron had just said.

"Charming, Ronald. But yes , that is the general idea." Hermione replied.

"It's brilliant," Harry said. "It's like Hogwarts wants us to fight back."

Suddenly a statue randomly moved. We all moved our eyes over to where it was.

Harry nodded at Nevill who was in front of the line we were all formed in.

"Expelliarmus!" Nevill yelled.

His wand went flying back to the end of the line. Everybody ducked their heads trying to avoid being hit with Nevill's wand.

Ron almost wasn't quick enough as the wand was inches away from hitting him. He burst out a small shriek as Fred and George gave a small chuckle.

"I'm hopeless," Nevill sighed.

"You're just flourishing your wand too much." Harry objected. "Try like this."

Harry shook his wand.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry yelled.


The next day in class I sat miserably. I was in Umbridge's class , which was the worst part of the day.

I was sitting next to Sarah , who as well looked miserable.

"You will please copy the approved text four times to ensure maximum retention," Umbridge nodded.

"There will be no need to talk," Umbridge stated.

"No need to think , is more like it," Hermione groaned.

Umbridge ignored Hermione's sentence and continued to walk down the aisle of desks.

"Wands away!" Umbridge snapped.

Nevill looked up from his book in fear.


"Stunning is one of the most useful spells in your arsenal," Harry stated. "It's sort of a wizards bread and butter really."

"So um come on then Nigel!" Harry yelled kindly. "Give me your best shot!"

Everybody turned they're heads over to where Nigel was standing. He stood there innocently.

"Stupefy!" Nigel yelled.

Harry went flying backwards in shock. He landed on the floor with a loud thump and everybody gasped.

"Good!" Harry said painfully. "Not bad at all , Nigel. Well done."

Everybody gasped again.


It was another day practicing with Harry. Hermione and Ron were supposed to battle , I guess you would call it.

"Come on Ron!" Everybody chanted.

Ron took out his wand nervously but before he could even lift it , Hermione whipped hers out aggressively.

"Stupefy!" Hermione yelled.

Ron shrieked in fear as he went flying backwards.

Everybody had broke out into a sudden burst of laughter.

Sarah and I were huddled around Hermione with a group of other girls laughing hysterically.


Umbridge had gone completely mad. She took every student that was in her mind suspicious, in for questioning with her personally. When I mean questioning I mean detention.

Draco was still trying to convince me to join him but yet again I denied of course.

"Well come in," Umbridge said welcoming me.

I walked into her office and took a seat in front of her.

"Would you like a cup of tea?" Umbridge asked me.

"No," I hissed.

From Another Universe| d.mOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora