Chapter 57

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a/n : i'm writing this in science class while my teacher dissects a frog :) also thank u for 5,000 reads!!


Sarah and written countless times , worrying for my safety. Her letters normally included lectures , persuasion to run away , her overthinking and then her overreacting.

I hadn't replied to a single one though. She had no idea whatsoever that I was now a death eater , and I wasn't planning on letting her know.

I hadn't spoken to my parents since I snuck away from home , not knowing what they were up to. Most likely , they were freaking out over my disappearance. I wanted more than anything to go home to see them , but I couldn't.

Seventh year was around the corner , and instructed by the Dark Lord , Draco and I were to return. I didn't want to , but then again I don't have much say in making my own choices now.

I spent my days in the Malfoy Manor with boredom. My day normally consisted of attending Voldemort's meetings and ranting to Draco and nothing more.

Time to time , Draco and I would explore the Malfoy's library , which was huge. They had any book you could name , and in Draco and I's spare time , whenever we could , we would spend hours there.

I sat up on my bed , as the sunshine from outside shone through my window. A soft knock occurred at the door.

"Kimmie?" The voice from the other side of the door spoke. It was no obvious that the voice was coming from Draco. "Mother insists that we go to Diagon Alley today."

My door opened , revealing my assumption being right. "To shop for school supplies," Draco continued.

I nodded silently , before turning my head back over to the direction of my window. "Draco?" I asked quietly. The boy's head snapped to my direction. "Do you think Sarah's safe?"

Draco opened his mouth , but before any words came out , I interrupted him. "And my parents? Their probably worried sick. And Harry? And Hermione and Ron? I haven't spoken to them since the wedding. I wonder if their safe?"

I looked up to Draco. The two of us stood still , silently staring at one another.

"I don't know," he finally spoke.

I closed my mouth , turning away from Draco , getting up. "I suppose we should go now?" I suggested , changing the subject.


Students scurried through the crowds that stood alongside the shops in Diagon Alley. I hadn't been back here since last year , and quite frankly , it was my first time away from the Manor in ages.

Through the crowds , I hoped to see one of my friends. I hadn't seen any since Summer , not knowing who was safe and who wasn't.

Draco stood next to me , his hand in mine , as we walked through the crowd. People glanced over at Draco , knowing about him and his family but Draco remained unbothered by the whispers and glares people chose to give him.

After retrieving our supplies , we apparated back to the Manor.

A small wave of disappointment filled my body. I made sure to looked left and right , anywhere I could in search of Sarah. But there was no luck in spotting the blonde girl.

I let out a sigh , as Draco looked over to me concerned.

Suddenly , a quiet knock occurred at the door , causing both Draco and I to turn around , curious to see who had knocked.

A small house elf appeared in the doorway. "The Dark Lord wishes to see you," he managed to stutter out. I glanced at the elf , giving him a polite nod , as Draco paid no attention to the elf whatsoever. With that, the elf wobbled away.

I looked back over to Draco , who acted as if he didn't hear what the house elf had just told us , staring mindlessly out the window.

"Dra-" I started before getting cut off. "I suppose we should go," he spoke emotionlessly. I hesitated , knowing we would be facing the Dark Lord again before brushing off my fear. I nodded at the statement and then proceeded to follow him out of the room.

We entered the room , filled with death eaters sitting around the table that meetings were held at, the Dark Lord sitting head of it.

I stiffened at his sight , gulping visibly , taking my seat next to Draco and Bellatrix , who sat left of me.

The room grew silent as Draco and I adjusted to our seats , nobody daring to speak without the Dark Lord's consent. Instead , everybody chose to watch Draco and I.

The Dark Lord smiled at both Draco and I , the same way he always did. Evilly.

"I assume the both of you know , you will be returning to Hogwarts next week?" The Dark Lord finally said , breaking the silence between the table.

I nodded my head stiffly , afraid to actually reply to him using words. "Yes," Draco replied for the two us, still noticeable there was fear in his voice. "We do."

The Dark Lord smiled again , this time more larger than his previous one. "Very well," he grinned. He diverted his full attention now onto both Draco and I. "While attending Hogwarts , Severus will be taking place of Dumbledore." His hand shot over to Snape's direction. "The both of you," he continued , looking back at us. "Will be representing us. Representing our side."

Instantly my heart dropped. I remembered I would have to face Sarah. This whole time I had found attending school again as an opportunity to see my friends , not remembering the consequences behind it.

I could already feel the disappointment in everyone's faces when they found out I had been serving the Dark Lord. Not willingly did I choose too , but they didn't know that.

I knew Sarah's reaction would remain the same as her normal personality towards me. We had made a promise while shifting to never fight , or breakup our friendship and throughout everything we've been through while shifting here the past three years , we weren't to break that promise now of all times.

I still felt ashamed of myself. Ashamed I was fighting for Voldemort's side.

I was fighting for the wrong side.

Harry had taught me everything I needed to know about battling against dark magic. About battling against Dark wizards. Wizards like Voldemort. But instead of fighting against him , I was fighting with him.

I was fighting for the wrong thing.

There I sat , next to Bellatrix Lestrange. A fellow death eater. A loyal follower to Voldemort. The same person who would have killed Sarah in a second with no hesitation just because of her house.

There I sat , in a table of death eaters. A table of followers towards Voldemort. Followers that would have killed me with no remorse just last year.

There I sat , with the dark mark engraved into my skin. Forever. No going back , no changing the past , I was now owned by Voldemort.

I had no freedom other than what Voldemort chose to give me. I had no say in any of my decisions anymore , other than what Voldemort offered. I had no choice but to obey what he told me.

And worst of all , there I sat , across from the man feared most by tons.


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