
292 7 0

cedric diggory x fem!reader
warnings: none
word count: 0.5k

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆

embers flew in the glow of the fireplace as wind pushed itself down the chimney. the hot air mingled with the cold air, creating an equilibrium of temperature in the hufflepuff common room. y/n and cedric were the only ones in the common room, the other hufflepuffs vacating hours ago to get some much needed rest.

y/n listened to the sound of the roaring wind battering against the walls of the castle. the crackle of the fire place added to the loud ambience of the wind and the quiet huffs of annoyance that y/n and cedric both emitted. they were sat on one of the couches. y/n was hunched over a scroll of parchment, her legs draped across cedric's lap. cedric was reading some book a first year left on the table. he was waiting for his girlfriend to finish her report so they could finally spend some time together. y/n sighed heavily with frustration when a particularly loud crackle of wood shocked her out of her trance. the sudden noise caused her ink dipped quill to move a little to far to the left, crossing out an important bit of information.

hot tears of frustration pricked the corner of her eyes as she stared helplessly at the parchment, the fire's light dancing across her vision. a tear slipped out against her wishes, and she furiously wiped it away with the sleeve of cedric's knit sweater that she had stolen months ago. the sudden movement pulled cedric's attention from whatever book he was immersed in and he looked over at her. his eyes softened when he saw y/n trying to keep her emotions in check, tears almost overflowing from her big eyes.

"okay that's enough of this," cedric whispered delicately, pulling the parchment from y/n's grasp. he set it on the table in front of him, ignoring y/n's protests. "come here, love."

y/n moved so she was curled into cedric's side. his arms wrapped around her, tugging her closer to him. she relished in the feeling of warmth that he provided. no fire could ever rival the warmth washing over her. no fire could ever feel like home. the warmth she felt from cedric could keep her warm in the middle of a snow snowstorm, surrounded by trees in the middle of nowhere. no fire could instantly melt her worries and stress away as if they were ice chips on a hot summers day.

cedric whispered to her, "it's okay, love. no need to be stressed."

looking up at cedric's face, she felt her breath escape her lungs. his features were illuminated by the orange flames. his normally grey eyes reflected the bright orange fire as he looked down at her. the normally brown hair that rested on the top of his head had turned somewhat blonde. in the moment, she was sure that he was not of this world. that even in this world of magic they were both surrounded by, he was by far the most enchanting person to ever walk the halls of hogwarts.

and in the hufflepuff common room, with the wind roaring and the fire crackling, with the only light being the now dying fire and the warmth being provided by cedric, she was one hundred percent positive that he was the person she wanted to spend every waking minute with. 

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