-sketched confessions-

312 9 0

corpse husband x fem!reader
warnings: none
word count: 0.9k

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆

"hey guys," corpse greeted at the beginning of his stream. y/n could hear him in the next room as he spoke, his deep voice ricocheting off the walls. her eyes trailed from her laptop, where she was watching his stream, to the sketchbook resting on her lap. she had already sketched out the starting shape for his face and was about to start sketching his features.

y/n sketched mindlessly as he spoke, her full attention on his stream. she laughed as he sipped for sykkuno on main, enjoying how carefree he seemed to be on his stream. she felt her heart ache when he got impostor, hearing his sigh from the next room. she knew how much impostor stressed him out. he would always come out of his room and sigh deeply, mumbling about how stressful it was. she felt bad that he couldn't enjoy the game as much when he impostor. letting the pencil go wherever it wanted, y/n shaded his features and drew small details she noticed on his face. she rummaged for her dark red pen and traced his outline in attempts to make it look like he was glowing. over his head, she wrote "IMPOSTOR" in dark red letters. she sighed, satisfied with her drawing of her best friend and crush. soon after she finished, she fell asleep listening to corpse play.


"well guys, i think that's all for today. thank you all for the subs and donations! see you guys next time," he said as he ended his stream. he yawned loudly before standing up from his desk. he was on a mission.

that mission being finding y/n and cuddling with her until one of them fell asleep. he looked in the living room and frowned when she wasn't there. he slowly padded to her room, exhaustion coursing through his body. he pushed open her door, ready to demand cuddles when his eyes landed on her sleeping figure curled up on the bed. his heart melted when he spotted her clutching the blanket he had given her when she first moved in.

"you're so cute," he mumbled as he walked over to her. he silently moved her laptop off of her bed, setting it on the small nightstand next to her. his eyes landed on the sketchbook left on her bed, a picture staring up at him. "what's this?"

he gasped as he realized that it was a drawing of him. his heart melted at the picture. he never knew y/n could draw so well. sure he knew she drew, they were best friends after all, but she had always kept her drawings secret. corpse let his curiosity take over as he flipped through the pages of the worn sketchbook. tears filled his eyes as he saw all of the drawings of him and for a split second a thought crossed his mind. 'does she love me too?' he shook the thought out of his head. he couldn't let thoughts like that in. he couldn't risk getting his hopes up. he set the sketchbook on top of her laptop before climbing into her bed.

as if she sensed corpse's presence, y/n turned over and shuffled closer to him. she opened her eyes slightly and a smile spread across her face as soon as she saw him. "hi bubs. how was your stream?"

corpse felt his heart skip a beat when she called him bubs. he was the only person she ever called bubs and everytime she said it, his crush on her grew. "it was alright. everyone says hi and they want you to play sometime soon."

"tell them i say hi," y/n mumbled. she cuddled closer to her best friend and sighed happily when he played with her hair. corpse was silent for a second, debating if now was the time to bring up her sketches.

"you're really good at drawing," corpse mumbled. he felt y/n tense next him and immediately regretted saying anything.

"y-you saw my drawings?" she stumbled on her words, caught extremely off guard. "i'm sorry."

"why are you apologizing?" corpse asked.

"because i didn't ask if it was alright if i could draw you and i don't want you to think i'm a weird stalker or anyhing. you're just really pretty and i really like you and-"

"you like me?" corpse asked shocked.

"fuck, did i say that out loud? i'm sorry. i hope this doesn't ruin anything-"

"i like you too, y/n. in fact, i think i love you," corpse said as he searched her eyes. a hopeful twinkle replaced their embraced gleam as she looked up at him.

"really?" y/n breathed out. "how long?"

"since before you moved in," corpse whispered. "it was the day you dragged me to that park and we just watched the clouds and you were drawing the landscape. i remember looking at you and you were biting your lip, so focused on the drawing that it was like you were in your own bubble. your hair was blowing all around your face but you didn't care. you were just sitting there, occasionally smiling at me and leaning against me ad i just remember thinking i want to spend the rest of my life spending time with you."

"oh corpse," she sighed as she brought her hand up to his face and brushed her thumb along his cheekbone. "i've loved you since the first time you slept over at my old apartment. we were dancing in my living room and a slow song came on and without hesitation we both put our arms around each other and it felt like home. you feel like home."

"i hope it isn't too soon to say this, but i love you with my whole heart," corpse said as he pulled y/n closer to him. "and if you'd let me, i'd love to take you on a date sometime."

"i love you so much, bubs," y/n whispered. "i'll do you one better. corpse?"


"will you be my boyfriend?"

"yes," corpse breathed out. "but only if you'd be my girlfriend."

y/n laughed and corpse flashed her a toothy smile. "deal."

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