Who is taller~

650 17 1


He is he loves to tease you about it to. You like it when he spins you in his arms you feel like you can fly. He loves being taller too because he loves to hug you from behind and rest his head on top of yours. 


She is shorter than you. You sometimes tease her but she loves being tiny it makes it easier for her to be lil spoon. Her being shorter you have to get stuff from the top shelf and she likes when you bridal carry her. 


She is way taller. You have to stand on your tip-toes to kiss her. Since she is taller lots of piggy back rides on her back. She loves being tall she can tease you while holding something over your head that you want. You love her being tall too that means you get to jump up and kiss her cheek and see her flustered.


He is taller as well. He loves being taller because the forehead kisses. When he gives you a forehead kiss you get all flustered and he loves that. He also likes to carry you on his shoulder. You love it because it gives you more to hug and you can be lil spoon forever.

Hi sorry im still writing the requests sorry its taking so long my family life has not been great but this just something to put on the book so I don't leave you guys with nothing!

Bye my lil Scattershits

word count 249 yay!

Scattershot preferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora