Part 7

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It was a very snowy Sunday morning. Korra had been sleeping whenever she could. Asami knew she was depressed. As happy as some of their moments had been over the past week, there were a lot of sad ones too. She was still having nightmares. She still only had limited feeling in her legs and couldn't move them. Korra tried to stay patient but she was normally a very active person. Even after escaping the Red Lotus's grip, her new lifestyle was driving her into a new set of chains.

Asami woke up and saw the snow rise as high as the bottom of the window which was feet off of the ground. The room was warm though, Tonraq must've had the fire roaring. She snuggled the Avatar and nuzzled her neck. "hhhhhnnnmmm" Korra cooed awake not wanting to do so. "Let's try not to sleep in too much it is noon already" Asami gently said. "Okay but can we keep cuddling for a minute?" Korra said with her eyes still sleepily closed. Asami pulled her girlfriend close and fulfilled her wish of a morning and afternoon of cuddles because there was no other place in the world they could go. A rare moment for them both.

A few minutes went by before the couple heard a knock at their bedroom door. "Hey sleepyheads I made you some food." Senna said sweetly demanding the girls finally arise from their bed. They did as the mother said so and sat with her at the kitchen table. "So what do you ladies have planned for today?". Asami looked at Korra, "absolutely nothing and we will not responding to any duties... besides doing the dishes" she finished with a giggle at the thought of having the Avatar all to herself today.

And they did just that for the rest of the day. Absolutely nothing. They laid in bed and giggled and tickled each other teasingly. Asami gave Korra endless kisses and acted like teenagers again. As the night went on they heard slow music coming from the living room and a deep laugh. The girls decided that maybe they should investigate.

They came upon Tonraq and Senna in the living room. They'd pushed the couch and kitchen table up against the wall which opened up a decent sized dance floor. The broad-shouldered father of the Avatar looked submissively and smiled at his petite wife as the music played.

Put your head on my shoulder 

He held her tight against his body and she rested her head in his broad chest, at peace with the world. They rocked back and forth while slowly shuffling their feet in sync with each other.

Squeeze me in your arms, baby

The music played on and Asami sat on Korra's lap in her wheelchair. They were smiling at the happiness between Tonraq and Senna. Korra thought about how her parents had the toughest jobs in the entire world, physical and spirit. They had to raise the Avatar. Her parents loved her through everything and they loved each other so much. It was the strongest thing in the world, even stronger than the Avatar.

Squeeze me oh-so-tight. Show me that you love me too...

The couple continued on and Asami helped Korra onto the couch. Asami crossed her legs over Korra's body and hung her body off her neck. Asami admired the couple but she was jealous. This was what she longed for. A family that loved her and that was something to be proud of. She looked at Korra. Asami knew she loved Korra the way Senna loved Tonraq. Her warrior and hero who was vulnerable to her. The person in her life that cause happiness and stability when the rest of life looked bleak. Their love protected them.

Put your lips next to mine, dear. Won't you kiss me once, baby?

Asami stood up and turned to reach for Korra's hand to dance. Korra shook her head, "you know I can't 'Sami." "Yes you can. I'll help you." Asami pulled Korra up and tried to get her to balance on her feet. She was really struggling to stay upright and hold her body under the buckling of her  knees and hips. Asami held on tight though. She believed in Korra and that she could do this. "You got this baby, hold on." Asami whispered encouragingly.

Her toes strengthened the slightest bit and she gripped the floor with them. "... A-Asami". Her knees stiffened, it was painful as her muscles hadn't moved for a long time but they started to contract when before they were limp. She wasn't completely standing on her own but leaning on Asami for strength. "Korra! You're doing it!" Tonraq yelled when he noticed that she was using her own strength. "Sweetie!" Senna gasped. Asami just smiled and kept eye contact with Korra who was clearly in a lot of pain and her muscles were exhausted.

"I want to do this." The Avatar said willfully as she used all her strength to stand on her own. "Cmon baby you got this" "aaarrrggghhhh!" Korra yelled in pain. They all watched with amazement while cheering her on.

Finally, she did it, she let go of Asami and stood all on her own... briefly. They all yelled in excitement as if Korra just won the championship Pro-Bending Tournament with a hat-trick knock out. Korra collapsed on the couch with a big smile on her face.

"That's my Avatar" Asami said and landed a big kiss on her lips. "I'm so proud of you, Korra" "You're amazing sweetie", Tonraq and Senna cooed at their baby girl. "This was fun and all but I really think I need a shower now." The Avatar was sweaty from exerting all of her strength at once to perform the smallest of movements. It was small, but it was a huge step for the Avatar.


Asami placed Korra in the shower after undressing her. Korra was still exhausted from her accomplishment. She rested her head on the wall of the shower, leaning back to let the water run down her face and body. Her girlfriend undressed outside of the hot shower. Asami slowly pulled back the shower curtain and stuck a foot in with her toe pointed down. "Oh hey Asami" said a sleepy avatar in a dorky voice. "Oh hey Korra" she said mimicking her himbo tone.

Korra chuckled. Asami slipped in the shower and sat opposite Korra and ran her hands up her legs. Korra smiled because she felt the gentle touch of her lover. "I love you, Korra. I'm so in love with you and I'm so proud of what you willed yourself to do tonight." Asami said lovingly. "Asami, I can't shake the feeling that if you weren't here it'd take me years to recover. I still feel like I have a ways to go but the way you care and encourage me... I-I love you too." said the Avatar.

The non-bender smiled and realized that Korra was healing her too. She longed for a family and a support system. She had that in the Avatar. A hero and a healer all at the same time. "Cmon let's get you washed up so we can go to bed. You deserve it." Asami said grabbing soap to hand to Korra. "Can we naked cuddle?" said the Avatar in a little baby voice. "Yes we can naked cuddle." said the heiress mimicking her tone again.

And they did just that.

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