Part 3

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Asami was going through her bags trying to find the perfect thing to wear to bed with Korra. It sounded weird but that's because it was. 

Stop being so presumptive! She scolded herself. She tried on three different sleep shirts before landing on a casual black tee that was cut short at the bottom exposing her belly button. She grabbed a black pair of loose fitting shorts. The heiress checked herself out in the mirror one last time before going back upstairs to see Korra. Korra was laying on her back staring at the ceiling. She was playing with her hair clearly lost in thought. Asami leaned up against the door frame and smirked at the Avatar. Dirty thoughts were running through her mind but then remembered she was supposed to be there for Korra not undress her with her eyes. 

"Hey 'Sami" Korra smiled. 

"Hey you" Asami walked over and sat next to the Avatar on the bed. She put one arm around her and Korra rested her head on her chest. Korra let out a big sigh. 

"You okay? Comfy? I can move my arm if you need"

"No, no. This is ... uh perfect."

They sat in silence for a while before Asami broke the silence. 

"Hey Korra. I know you've been having these nightmares ever since... you know. I just... want you to know you can talk to me." She ran her fingers over Korra's hand. They sat in silence for a few more minutes. 


"Yes Korra?"

"Thank you. You didn't have to come all the way down here or treat me like your princess or... well not YOUR princess but ... a princess" She was stuttering realizing what she'd said. 

"hahaha Korra... come here"

She thought about what Katara said earlier and about how adorable Korra was being. Her princess.. huh?  She giggled thinking about it. Asami ran her hand up Korra's arm and found her cupping her cheek. The heiress looked longingly into the Avatar's eyes. Asami softly kissed her forehead. 

"That was weak" said the Avatar. 

"Oh yeah? What'd you not like about it?" Asami smirked.

"This..." and Korra leaned up and kiss Asami lightly on the mouth. Asami's eyes closed in sweet relief. She then pushed into Korra kissing her again and holding the back of her head. Asami's lips fit perfectly with hers and Korra tugged lightly at her bottom lip. Things felt right. 

Asami rolled on top of Korra and continued to kiss her but with more passion. So much was built up inside of them both and realizing they both wanted to kiss each other made everything feel surreal. Asami felt like she was floating. 

"We shouldn't do this" 

Asami froze and quickly lifted herself off of Korra. The Avatar stared at the ceiling again. 

"I-I'm sorry Korra I thought you were liking it"

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have led you on it's just that I am not in a good place right now and I'm worried I'm confused and I don't know why I kissed you."

Asami was ripped in half. She was so sure Korra felt the same way she did but she felt so stupid now. Korra just wanted a friend and she was taking advantage of her. 

"It's okay Korra. Don't worry about it." Asami said smiling but with clear sadness in her eyes. 

"'Sami...." Korra said as Asami got up off the bed. 

"I just need a sec Korra I'll be right back"

Asami went to the bathroom and splashed cold water on her face. So many thoughts were running through her mind. How could she have made such a big mistake? How did she read this all so wrong? She eventually collected herself and went back into the room. Korra was facing towards the wall on her side. 

"Do you still want me to sleep here?"

"Yes please" She said weakly. 

Asami crawled next to her friend and put an arm on her to let her know she was there. She heard soft crying coming from the Avatar. "Korra?" "I'm so sorry 'Sami." "For what?"

"FOR BEING STUPID!" Korra yelled as she flipped over to face Asami.

She broke down crying more. "I shouldn't have said that. I do like you. I really like you."

Asami's eyes perked up. 

"But I just don't want you to think I am the person I was before I was poisoned. I'm so broken Asami! I'm the Avatar and I can't even dress myself!" She cried even harder and Asami pulled her into her chest and kissed the top of her head. 

"Korra. It's okay. I just want to be here for you. I want to kiss you too but if that's not what you need then I'm here for you as a friend." Korra's tears slowed down at the soothing tone of Asami's voice. 

"I just want you to be happy. I want you to save the world and be a tough Avatar but more than that I want you to be ok." Asami kissed the top of her head and stroke her wet cheek. 

"I love you, Asami" She mumbled into Asami's chest. 

The biggest grin came across the heiress's face. She almost gasped. 

"I love you too"

"Can we take things slow?" Korra whimpered. 

"Of course Korra. Like I said I'm here for you."

"Thank you 'Sami..." She paused. "Could I have just one more kiss?"

Asami smirked at the question. "You can have as many kisses as you want, Avatar."

Senna woke earlier than everyone as usual. She stretched out of bed and filled Naga's food bowl and let her out back. Once the coffee was brewing she took off down the hall to take a shower and passed Korra's room. She hadn't had a nightmare last night and Senna thought about how wonderful it was that she was recovering. She slowly opened the door to check her sleeping baby and saw her cuddled laying on top of Asami's chest. The mother smiled and closed the door gently as not to wake anyone. Tonraq was right behind her and loudly said "what're you doing?" "shhhhhhhhh! You'll wake them!" "Them?" "Them!" Senna said pointing towards Korra's room. 

Tonraq cracked the door open to see the sight and looked with big eyes at Senna. "THEM!" 


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