CH. 46

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Kylie Jones

Getting coerced into bringing Damon along with me wasn't something I'd expected being subjected to but on some strange level I was oddly proud of the fact that he had the balls to see it through.

I had stayed in a haze from the moment I came crashing down in the gym to the second I woke up this morning. My monster on the other hand had taken its chance to emerge and had now filled my entire being from top to bottom.

Damon had wrapped one up as close to his warm body as he physically could, maybe a subconscious fear that I would disappear in the night leaving him and the MC behind. It was a legit fear and hadn't I been so adamant on keeping my word, I would have left.

With ice running through my veins I shrugged myself out of this ironclad hold hoping to make myself ready for the fight to come.

"Leaving?" I barely managed to get out of bed before Damon opened his eyes. He had always been a light sleeper when around me and I'm sure the situation we were in had amped up the awareness.

"We leave in thirty. Be there or get left behind"

The sweet, almost normal persona was long gone, replaced by a highly trained killing-machine with an increasing bloodlust and personal vendetta against a horde of trade craft assassins.

The decision had been made. The League was mine for the taking and that was exactly what I was going to do, even if it cost me my life. For days I'd been pushing down the monster in hopes of not killing my father's men but the restraint was dwindling rapidly.

It was a miracle that I hadn't killed anyone yet although that was probably Damon's doing. Burning my energy with jumping at him any chance I could and training with the prospects had helped with the urges, always keeping my mind and sliced body occupied.

Cyber had fixed close to anything I would need for this mission inducing the rest of the weapons who I had brought with me to Italy. Gio had sent them over the moment he got back home, knowing full well that I would leave for Austria the moment my injury allowed for it.

The cuts Axe had inflicted on me were still red and sore but had healed enough to not be a huge burden. I could move around freely with some minor pain, something I loved.

Walking out of my bedroom with Damon on my heels we silently made our way through the quiet clubhouse, careful not to wake anyone up. The less people knowing, the easier it would be - the reason we were up and running before the sun rose.

"You sure you don't want to tell anyone?" Cyber quietly asked one last time as we packed down our belongings. The plane was waiting on the runway, ready to take me wherever I wanted to go. Standing here being emotional was a big waste of valuable time.

"I'm sure. Everyone important has been informed" I choked out, barely holding on to my sanity at this point. While Cyber had gotten more vigilant around me he still managed to rub me the wrong away. They all did to be honest, apart from Striker and Damon.

The sun was starting to rise when we finally got ready. We had gone through the obvious plan with a magnifying glass, pointing out anything remotely difficult to carry out - which was just about every step of it.

Although it might present itself as difficult, I was more than up for the challenge. The need for some good, straining challenges was growing unbearable. Flinging my bag over my shoulder, I shoved my weapon-filled black chest in the trunk and made myself comfortable beside Striker in the passenger seat.

"You ready to go?" Striker asked, the whole serious face on and everything. A black SUV with him in the driver's seat would take us to the airport and off to Austria, hopefully in one piece.

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