CH. 32

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Kylie Jones

I snuck out of Damon's bed soundlessly, careful not to wake him up. Last nights actions had been a huge mistake on my part. Damon had always had an keen interest in me, and my fucking desire decided to play that card to calm my urges.

It wasn't fair to Damon at all. He was a good guy, beneath his hard exterior, but he yearned for a consistent relationship. That was the one thing I couldn't give him.

My life hadn't been consistent for shit since the day Anatoly decided to fuck up my entire existence.

I had planned traveling back to Italy with Gio, hoping to draw the mc out of the crossfire. So the events of last night were my sappy attempt of a goodbye.

There was no way in hell I could promise them that I would come back, and I guess they all knew it by the way they had lined up by the door.

"You sure you have to go, sweetheart?"

"Yeah! I've drawn way to much attention to the club already. That's not fair to either one of you"

"You know we always got you back, right?"

"Thanks, dad"

My fathers stunned face had a smile spread across my own. It was the first time I had called him that since I returned. In reality, it was a cruel gesture. Calling him dad before walking into my uncertain demise was petty as fuck. Giving him the fuel he needed to grieve me once more.

Taking ahold of Gio's hand, we walked side by side out of the clubhouse. A strange feeling in my body appeared as we drove away, seemingly begging me to stay.

Embracing myself in a familiar content numbness, we left the Hells Dragons MC begins to wage a full-on war against the Irish.

Gio and his men kept silent the entire way, giving me time to collect my thoughts. It was considered custom whenever I was around. They relied on my skill set to keep them somewhat safe, and I needed silence to accomplish just that.

Diving deep down in my own world, I struggled to wipe out Damon's face appearing every few seconds. The loving way he watched me when we relaxed in each other's arms last night had me terrified. I slowly realized he meant more to me than I considered safe for either of us.

Damon was everything I wanted in a man when I was younger. Strong, kind and protective. My father must have realized the feelings we harbored for one another early on, otherwise he would have kept Damon on a short leash.

The plane ride went faster than anticipated, not that I minded at all. Plane rides were boring as fuck, only transportation to a fucking good time.

When we landed in Italy I felt my uncaring cold persona manifest in my head. This was business, and I knew better than anyone not to mix business with pleasure if it wasn't absolutely critical for the mission.

Gio's men had arranged a fucking parade as we walked down the tarmac to our awaiting cars. To say I was know in this country was an understatement.

I had spent several years here, drinking, fucking and killing. L'ombra was a feared nickname of yours truly. A chill went down my spine as I remembered the hundred of times I had killed in this country.

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