Part 22: DNA

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Dr Shaheed welcomes them all back.

Their collective tension thunders around my basement, adding tightness to the cold air. 

Clark cuts in like a blunt blade, "Has it worked?" Dr Shaheed ignores his question; instead she gives each of my friends and my Father a single gaze. Her professional stare settles on me, "You were an exemplary specimen to work on Kirk; I think you have real potential to become a reanimate role-model."

I requested Jess be with me during the procedure; I'm comfortable with Jess seeing my reality.

Dr Shaheed turns her focus toward Jess, "I'm astounded by your inherent insight and intellect. The suggestion you made during the procedure could be one of great importance to the reanimate population. The Association and I will be taking it very seriously indeed. In fact, I need to leave soon; to deposit the sample tissue I took from Kirk at The Association HQ.”

Clark's not happy, "Dr Shaheed, I won’t pay until you can assure me Kirk will pass his perfunctory human medical." Dr Shaheed doesn't look at him, "Kirk’s implants are now fully functioning, and will be at the time of his medical; I am confident he will pass it. But, I can't assure you his carcass won't reject the implants." She looks at all my friends, "You need to watch him; rejection usually begins seven days after implant. The symptoms are flu like: severe fever, shaking, and constant retching. If these symptoms occur while he's in custody, he'll be admitted to Hospital. And then, well, we’re all in trouble."

Dr Shaheed fixes Clark with a steely eye, "I don't want your money." She begins to pack her equipment, "The concept Jess gave me during Kirk's procedure is worth more to me and The Association than your angry dollars."

Casey turns to Jess with a look I read as awe, "What did you suggest – Miss Grade-A-STAR?" Jess gives a shoulder shrug, "I kinda just said what came into my head. I got thinking about the Hellix, the piece of Kirk's soul that was returned to him from Dale – I figured there might be some of Dales DNA in Kirk's tissue. If Dr Shaheed can extract some, we can use it as further evidence to nail Dale. I’m no Doc, just thought I’d ask Doc Shaheed when she cut Kirk’s thigh."

“That’s genius Jess! Like, we could ad Dale’s DNA to the Brass Knuckle that he beat you and Tobes with. The one he probably sterilized and planted back in Tobes house.”

Dr Shaheed lifts her hand, “That’s unrealistic Casey. Jess’s concept is only theoretical; it could take many years, perhaps decades of Scientific work and research to extract strains, if any, of Dales’s DNA from the sample I took from Kirk.”

Dr Shaheed then kind of inhales/exhales and says – “However, if we do find any trace of Dale’s DNA, then the implications for mankind are huge – if the soul contains DNA, we could potentially prove there is a life after death.” She shakes her head with a look I read as incredible.

Dr Shaheed snaps back to us, “Look – you guys must pursue Dale using the realistic evidence you already have. It’s essential we keep Kirk’s reanimation status stalled here, at double discovery. Do all you can to avoid Kirk’s triple discovery. He’s important to us all, an essential tool in our fight with the Dark side."


Dr Shaheed calls my friends to my table-side, her tone is serious. “The Dark Side are pushing Dale pretty hard. Things are going to be tough for you guys. I have something that may give you some support.” She gives them a code to download a secret Association app, “Use it whenever you need help, answers, or just a member to communicate with.” She embraces my friends in a warm group hug.

Dr Shaheed's parting words are delivered with a look I read as worry, “Do all you can to avoid any more images of Kirk going on Facebook. The rise in reanimate triple discovery has risen sharply since the advent of Social Media.” She finishes with a positive smile, “I hate putting such huge preasure on your shoulders – but I believe in you guys.”

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