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It's been 3 weeks since class 2A has moved into the dorms. It has been 3 weeks since Katsuki and Izuku got in their secret relationship. They both are ready to come out, but they both think the other isn't. It hasn't been brought up, because they feel like they are going to bring stress and unease to the other.

The class has been very suspicious though. They are seen together more, and people have caught Katsuki smiling at Izuku once or twice. They spend most of their free time in their room. This is even more shocking. The two 'rivals' are willingly hanging out together alone. And nothing has been burnt, blown up or broken.

When it was the annual dorm competition (even though it's only been a year) the two didn't participate. This isn't surprising on Katsuki's part, but Izuku always does class activities, so for him not to want to look at the rooms and show his caused many eyebrows to raise.

There is one girl who knows what's going on and she is just laughing on the sidelines at the rest over her class mates' stupidity. None have even thought to go to her to seek answers, even though she is currently Izuku's best friend who tells her everything and was Katsuki's former girlfriend. She wouldn't say anything even if they did ask, but it just surprises her how even Iida and Momo haven't let the idea cross their mind.

Tooru does have suspicions. She's kept quiet, but once she collects enough evidence she will confront the two. Plus, it's her ship so she will also throw a mini party with herself. She has seen Izuku with Katsuki's clothes on when she wakes up really early in the morning and decides to go to the kitchen; she'll see him in one of his shirts and shorts making breakfast for two. It's pretty cute and she takes a quick pic for her "evidence". But she feels like she hasn't collected enough evidence to come out and tell them. So she stays quiet. Slowly and gradually collecting more and more.

Katsuki's 'squad' knows already. He threatens them and they swore to not say a word. He really didn't have to, they would've stayed quiet if he just asked, but Katsuki will be Katsuki. Mina just silently squeals whenever she sees them do anything cute. The boys don't really care.

Even though there is a whole squad plus Uraraka, who knows and one girl who is figuring it out, they still aren't out. They haven't been found out, yet. It was going pretty well. People knew they had gotten closer, but nothing more than them fixing their friendship. They had that image, until they didn't. It was the second month of them in the dorms. And it all happens because of the most stupidest and avoidable mistake they could've ever made.


Class had just ended. They were all exhausted. Aizawa had gone kinda hard on them and they had no idea why. (Mic was too loud and he didn't get enough sleep... so the usual just like 2x worse. He was a Mr.Grumpy pants) Izuku just wanted to go to bed. It was Friday, so he didn't have any homework he needed to do and he could sleep in as long as he wanted. With that in mind, he went to the elevator (which I am pretty sure they have) and went to the 3rd floor.

'I swear if someone stops me I will literally-' Izuku's thinking was cut off when his name was called by a voice he should love, but at the moment, wanted to pound his face in.

"Oi! Deku, wait up!"

'Imma kill him.' "Yes, Kacchan?" He sounded a lot more irritated then usual so Katsuki was a little concerned for the green haired male.

"I was just gonna ask where you were going."

"Oh, I'm going to the room, I'm tired as fuck..."

Slightly concerned, Katsuki answers with an 'ok' and walks with him to their dorm. Izuku's been staying up late lately. He's worried about school obviously, but also what people would think if they were to find out. He knew that he didn't have anything to worry about, so he doesn't need to, but his brain keeps making scenarios that scare the shit out of him.

Why me?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin