💚Last Chapter💚

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Hi! This is the last chapter of this story. I'll keep this short and talk to y'all in the latest A/N. Enjoy and idk what else...

Edited: July 1, 2021

It's been 2 weeks since Uraraka confessed to Tsu. Everything is well now, and all are happy. At this moment, they were all in class and Aizawa tiredly drones on about a new assignment due by the end of the day. Izuku isn't paying attention, he's thinking about the fact it's a Friday. Friday means that there isn't any school the next day. He's been wanting to do something for a while, and now that everything is set up, he can do what he's been wanting to.

Katsuki isn't doing shit. He's just bored, he already knows how to do all this. He honestly just wants to go back to his dorm and cuddle his Izuku. Is that to much to ask?

After a few more hours, they are released from this hell they call school. Izuku and Katsuki walk hand-in-hand back to their dorm. It was quiet, but not uncomfortable. They were tired and just wanted to be in each other's arms.

After the short yet long walk back to their dorm, they slipped of their shoes, threw their backpacks at their desks and made their way to their bed. Homework could be done on Sunday.

Katsuki laid on his back as Izuku was in his chest; a tangle of limbs. Izuku dug his way further into Katsuki's chest as Katsuki played with his unruly green locks. They stayed like that for a while, listening to each other's breathes, content in each other's presence. They soon fell asleep, not to wake until an hour later; Katsuki being the first.

He was bored and started playing with Izuku's hair again as he got his phone out and mindlessly scrolled through his Instagram feed.

Izuku began to stir and awoke in Katsuki's arms. He stayed still for a while, now wanting to ruin the perfect moment he was in just yet.

Once he was ready, he slowly moved higher, so that he was face to face with Katsuki. He bagan to smile a soft smile, looking into his boyfriend's eyes.

He never thought he'd be able to call Katsuki Bakugou that. His boyfriend. It was still new to him. He remembers the torment, and although it was forgiven, it will never be forgotten. He loves Katsuki dearly, but what he did to him was scary. He hoped he'd never be in that situation again, but in this one. Lovingly staring in the crimson eyes of his lover, the same love radiating off of them. He'd kill to have these moments every time he woke up. Whether it be a short nap, or a long sleep, he wants to awak in the arms of Katsuki Bakugou.

"Hi" the word is so soft, that if Katsuki wasn't right next to him, he wouldn't have heard it.

"Hey" he says back, just as softly.

He's never loved anyone like this. This amount. It's almost scary. He doesn't know what to do with all of it. This boy that is staring at him with so much adoration and so much love is his. Only his, and he couldn't be happier, but he couldn't help but also feel guilty. Years and years of torment haunt him, all because he didn't know how to handle his feelings. He told him to kill himself because he couldn't say, "I love you". He regrets ever single word he had ever spoken and wishes that he can take it all back. He wishes that he could go back in time and yell at his shit self and tell him that he has the best thing and to not ruin it, all because he's confused.

Sometimes he still has nightmares. He still thinks about what would've happened if Izuku did take his terrible advice. What would he have done? He probably would've cried. And then he probably wouldn't have gone to UA. It'd remind him too much of Izuku, he couldn't handle it. When he does have nightmares, he wakes up in cold sweat, but all he has to do is look to his right and there he is. Breathing. Alive. Happy. That's all he needs.

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