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The sound of stilettos loudly clacked as a tall raven haired woman walked through the metal halls of the Republic City Maximum Security Correctional Facility. A tired young man sat behind the front desk behind a pane of glass. He was wearing his gray Republic City Guard uniform and stared blankly into his paperwork. 

"I'm here to see Hiroshi Sato"

The man looked up. 

"Oh Miss Sato. It's wonderful to see you again. Of course. Please follow me."

"Thank you"

She said adjusting her clutch and wrapping herself in her black Future Industries jacket. They took a set of stairs down into the basement of the facility. Hiroshi had been charged with treason against the Republic and was in the highest security cell for non-benders. Three armed guards stood stoically in front of the cell. They all nodded at the heiress as she approached. 

"Hello gentlemen"

"Miss Sato"

They responded respectfully. The middle guard turned and opened the door to her disgraced father's cell. Hiroshi was sitting on his thin mattress on a metal frame. His back was propped up against the cinderblock wall. The billionaire was normally well groomed but his beard and hair had grown shaggy, his eyes were tired and not full of passion. 

"Asami, my dear"

"Hey dad"

She gave an awkward laugh but then straightened up. She was here for business.

"uh dad. I'm here to say goodbye for a while."

"What do you mean Asami?"

"I'm moving down to the Southern Water Tribe"

Hiroshi stared at his daughter confused.

"What about my company? You're just going to leave it in the hands of those imbeciles you call employees?"

"They are valuable partners in Future Industries and ... never mind. No I am leaving it to Prima my very capable Vice President and I am going to be expanding the company in the South."

"You know I once tried to make a deal with the water tribes to modernize them. It's not possible. There's another reason you're leaving."

Asami paused. There was another reason, of course. Korra. The Avatar needed Asami to be there for her whether Korra would admit it or not. 

"I'm going to help rehabilitate Korra"

Hiroshi let out an obnoxious belly laugh. 

"You're going to what? oh wow this is precious. First you betray me and now you're going to let my company die for the Avatar. Just great."

"It's MY company dad... and Korra needs me."

She almost began to yell at him about because Korra meant so much to her and she couldn't stand anyone, especially her father, talking badly about her. She stopped herself before she got too heated. 

"Goodbye, Dad. I'll write to you."

"Wait Asami! You can't do this!"

Asami turned around and gave the guards a nod. They closed the door behind her and Hiroshi listened as the sound of her daughter's shoes made fading clanking sounds again. 

When Asami finally exited the bland colored building she broke down and cried. Her father was a traitor but he was her only family. He'd been behind bars for a while now but she'd started visiting him more frequently in the past few months. She'd been trying to forgive him. Sometimes things were heated during her visits as a lot of their differences couldn't be reconciled but having those little moments back with her dad made her happy. They'd play Pai Sho and Asami would win, like old times. He'd give her some advice about decisions she was making with the company and she loved having her mentor back. His mind wasn't changing though. Hiroshi still felt strongly about benders and equality. Asami would bicker with him trying to reason her thoughts but he wouldn't have it.

Korra was her family too. As well as all of Team Avatar. Korra needed her and she had to do this. 

She wiped her face and sat down in her satomobile. She checked her make up and touched up the parts that were smeared from her outburst. She started the engine, put on her sexy shades and began to head for the docks to meet up with Korra before they set out on their long journey to the Southern Water Tribe. 

Adventures of The Southern Water Tribe - A Korrasami StoryWhere stories live. Discover now