Chapter 15: Love is in the Air

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*Just very TEENSY teensy short sliver of NSFW included but not very wild.*

"You're... dating each other?" speculated Gary, a deranged expression smothered on his face. Opposed to him, the news isn't shocking to me since my expert eagle eyes caught an infatuated Petey blushing around Jimmy on occasions.

Petey averted his head in embarrassment as Jimmy ruffled his scalp anxiously, waiting for the silence to break.

"Well, congrats! I think it's cute. I always thought you guys are great together." I smiled, hopefully mollifying their worries. Jimmy grinned in return. Petey turned back with surprised puppy eyes. "S-so, you're not weirded out?" he stammered.

He's trembling intensely like he encountered an eerie ghost. Jimmy noticed as well and wrapped himself around him to calm his nerves.

"Dude, there's nothing wrong with your relationship. Everyone falls in love with someone, that's how it works!" I reassured, patting Pete's knee. I've heard of a few acquaintances with a history of getting bullied because of their sexual orientation, but I don't know if that's Pete's case. I think he's kept quiet about his preferences, he doesn't really talk to anyone but us anyway. My thoughts were put to a halt by Gary, who was equally concerned.

"Femme boy, why are you shaking so much? he questions, flicking Petey's forehead. Jimmy rested on Petey's shoulder and stayed glued on his cellphone, paying no attention to reality.

Gary continued on. "Quit being worked up about fancying guys, you can't help it, it's life. I know your dumbass thinks it's a bad thing, but it's not. I mean, your pink gayish uniform pretty much gave it away in the first place." I violently poked his side because of his last sentence. Other than that, I was shocked at his words. Knowing Gary, he usually bickers at the poor guy, intentionally making him feel as miserable as possible but this shows otherwise. I guess he cares about him after all, it's just strictly confidential, a brotherly relationship you could say.

Petey simmers down due to our consistent reassurance, giving us a nod and gentle grin of relief.

Losing track of time, I check my phone. 5:20 PM
"Let's get outta here." I said. After what felt like a week, we began preparing to leave this rusty place.

Leaving the railroad area through the opening, a gang of greasers grouped next to it, some with planks as weapons and others empty handed. This doesn't look good.

"Uh oh. RUN!" Jimmy yelped. Alerted by his call, we all dashed to escape, the greasers slightly on our guard. I'm grateful I'm in track for situations like these.

Adrenaline filled our bodies as we panted for air when we stopped. Thankfully, we outran those greaseballs and they gave up halfway, arriving at the school entrance. We headed towards the boys dorm to chill in the lounge as always.

Being the last one to head inside, Trent suffused the air with cigarette smoke, causing an unpleasant scent lurking around the dorm. "Really, dude? You can't smoke outside?" I asked, covering my nose.

He shrugs. "I could, but what are you doing here anyway, this ain't the girls dorm y'know." he replies, puffing his cig and throwing it in the trash. He smugly bites his lip and looks me up and down. "...I don't mind, though." he adds before going to his room. Ugh, gross.

Now that the news has been told, Jimmy and Petey were more comfortable exposing their lovey dovey selves to me and Gary, which didn't bother me at all. Gary however, despised it, not because he was homophobic or anything, but it's understandable he hates a close up sight of this slight lewdness.

The New Troublemaker (Gary Smith x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum