Chapter 13: Jock-free

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Gary's POV

Where could that dumb jock be? My hands rested casually in my pockets as I walked back and forth in front of the bleachers, scanning the football field altogether. I waited for a few minutes until I grew impatient. That's when the cheerleaders popped up.

I chose Christy to ask where they could be since Mandy sneered at me for a long while and Angie is just naturally annoying. Well, all of them get on my fucking nerves but I had no choice.

"They're in the gym." She replies bluntly.

I nodded in response and speedwalked away to the location.

Entering the building, the sight of clammy athletic gorillas playing a frivolous game of dodgeball caused me to groan in disgust. Luckily, Ted and Damon were on the sidelines chatting about who knows what. A breeze of hot air flew through my hair as I stepped on the gym bleachers heading towards the two.

Quick to realize, they looked my way and instantly stood up with irritated expressions.

"What do you want, Smith?"

"Yeah, what do you want?" Damon repeated. I see Ted's bitch is the same as usual.

I corruptedly grinned, staring daggers at Ted.

"You're coming with me." I demanded, still glaring through his skull.

Ted sighed, stepping forward like a defeated man. I was honestly semi-shocked, expecting him to resist as much as possible. He probably knew it was about (Y/N) so he didn't waste time agreeing. Ted quickly came up with an excuse to tell Damon, saying he has to finish a certain errand that involved me, though I couldn't hear the rest. Damon thought nothing about it and waved him off.

Halfway to the dorms, I noticed Ted kept his head down the entire time. I quietly chuckled, enjoying seeing him in despair. I'd rock his shit right now if I could, but I know (Y/N) would do the same to me if I did that, so I'll keep my cool. In all honesty, I'm kind of intimidated by her.

"You sure she's okay?" Ted asks, breaking the silence.

"Relax, she's fine. She's tougher than you think."

"Yeah, you're right. I feel horrible." he covered his face with both hands and groaned.

Arriving in front of the boys dorm, he grabbed my shoulder and stopped me from going in. Smacking his hand off, I asked him what the deal is.

"Wait, I'm just gonna apologize then leave, right?" he questions.

"Yeah. You better go in there, say sorry genuinely, and get out of our sight and we're good."

"You think she'll be mad if I get back with Mandy?"

Did I correctly hear the words that came out of his mouth? I did not expect that at all.

"Hold on, weren't you head over heels over her like not too long ago? And you just switch up like that?" I was actually pretty confused but didn't care anyway. (Y/N) belongs to nobody but me.

"I was but I never wanted to hurt her and I already fucked that up. I know we weren't together for long but I know she deserves better and I can't be the better for her. It's like... I feel like I belong with Mandy and it was stupid of me to separate with her becau-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got it." I cut him off, not wanting to hear all that sentimental shit. "Can we just get this over with?"

Ted agreed and we finally entered the dorm.

We went in the lounge to see Jimmy, Femboy, and (Y/N), the usual. Judging from her droopy whore eyes, she probably took a nap. I fully headed inside and leaned my back on the wall comfortably while Ted stiffened in the middle of the opening. The agonized jock kept his sight down for a minute and eventually managed to look at (Y/N).

"I'm really sorry."

"Do you mean it?" I testified in a strict tone. (Y/N) jumped at my harsh voice.

"I-I do! I really am, it was wrong of me to lay a hand on you and I shouldn't have done that. My apologies, seriously."

(Y/N) scratched her head and there was a silent, awkward atmosphere for a little bit until she spoke up.

"Umm okay but, am I still in the clique?"

Jimmy and I snickered. That's seriously all she cares about, what a moron.

Ted's face was plastered with confusion, expecting a way different answer than that, but he let it go.

"Yeah, if you want to I guess."

"...Ok, great, apology accepted! When you get back with Mandy, tell her I still hate her guts!" she said nonchalantly.

Now Ted looked really baffled. He glanced at me in pure puzzlement but I just shrugged. "W-woah, h-how'd you know that...?"

"Oh, come on. The head jock and cheerleader always get back together, have you not watched movies? Anyways, see ya." she waved him off while slouching back down on the couch.

"W-wait, I can at least get you a drin-"

Before anything else popped out of his mouth, I shoved him away by his shoulders while he was still vulnerable.

"Run along now, monkey, ya did well!" I commented as he was halfway to the doors leading out. Now that that's over with, I hurried back to the lounge and plotted myself next to (Y/N). Jimmy and Femme Boy were having an unknown discussion next to the arcade game.

Observing (Y/N), her focus is glued on her phone. It looks like she's playing some sort of action-adventure game, Grand Theft Auto, was it? Might as well take this advantage to study her more.

*You can change Gary's description as you read in your head if it doesn't match you! This is just how I would depict the main character!*

Her black wavy hair elegantly swayed as the wind breezed across the room. Pushing some hair behind her, I caught notice of the industrial piercing on her ear. It was clean, silver, and a cross was attached in the middle. She had an almost perfect facial structure and pretty features; well-defined jawline, cute straight-edged nose, nicely shaped eyebrows and long lifted eyelashes. Her lips are naturally plump and glossy, although I don't think she uses lipgloss or a huge amount of makeup in general. God, she is a true beauty. I looked at her chest. Not to mention, her HUMONGOUS ti-

"Gary?" (Y/N) motioned her hand side to side to grab my attention, interrupting my studying. "Are you okay?"

I rattled my head to leave my flooded mind and smiled at her. "Yeah of course moron, just thinking is all."

"About what?"

"Nothing worth noting in particular. Stop being nosey."

She rolled her eyes, throwing her phone on the side. Next think I knew, she arranged herself so that her head was on my lap.

"Hey, what are you-"

"Shhhh, I'm tired, just let me rest for a while." she yawned, dozing off in an instant. I sighed, letting her do her thing. Good thing the TV remote was in reach, otherwise I would've pushed her off just for that. Jimmy and Femme boy saw my predicament, and left immediately, smirking at the sight. I didn't want them to leave me alone here, but decided to be quiet so I don't wake her up. Those assholes.

An hour progressed and slowly but surely, I dozed off myself, keeping (Y/N) safe and sound on my lap.

Idk if I should do some smut again lol, in future chapters. Let me knowwww

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