Treat me right

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When I act crazy you don't care, when you act crazy I love it.
Even though we don't talk so much anymore, it doesn't allow my love to grow weak.
You treat me right like a human being, like no other person.
They agree with things you say, when we're in trouble we run and laugh.
Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I don't play football, and you let me have a go.
Playing rugby,football, touch, Bulldogs, I felt special.
One because I was with him, two because no one else treats me right.
You both laugh about your past, or if they make a funny mistake because of you.
They gaze at you while playing games like truth and dare or computer games.
You have the same interests, hobbies but you may have one or two doubts.
But the power of love is stronger and helps you treat me right.

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