Day 4, Germany

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Third Person Veiw

Kris awoke to the sound of her new-found company telephone going off, sleepily she picked it up and answered the call.

"Hello?" She questioned. Kris looker at the alarm clock on the table and saw it was 4 am.

"Kris! We need you down in the garage. Something happened with Sebastian's car." She heard Britta speak quickly. Why was Britta calling me I only met her briefly?

"When do you want me to be there?" Kris asked moving out of bed trying not to wake the sleeping Phil next to her as he snored quietly.

She quickly threw on yesterday's clothes after the call hung up and left the room.

Kris paced around the car looking at what had happened to it. Britta called her, Sebastian and Heikki instead of calling Christian.

Sebastian was on the side of the garage shuffling through various car parts. When Britta had gotten in this morning the front with had fallen off from being poorly placed and no one had fixed the engine after the race yesterday.

Kris only knew how to fix the front wing entirely and properly. She quickly twisted the bolt at the top of the car while Heikki held on to the wing.

"Pull it off." Kris said as Heikki quickly pulled it off.

"A new wing?" She asked. Sebastian although he was very tired decided to help. Instead of normal and having celebrations after the race, especially after Sebastians first place finish, the team decided it would've been better to do it the next day because they were all very tired from the much stressed home race for Sebastian.

Kris slid the new wing on easily thanking Seb for getting it as he gave it to her. Heikki held the wing again but this time when she bolted it up she removed Heikki's hand away from the wing before trying to jerk it off.

"Wing is stable." Kris pointed out before getting to work on the engine. Why couldn't have Britta called the lead mechanic like Spencer? 


Christian entered the garage at 10 am. No one would be here until about 2 pm when they would pack everything up before enjoying a night on the town and 5 days in the city. Christian was surprised when having to get in his office he had to step over a sleeping Britta. Why was she here?

Going put in the garage he saw Sebastian sleeping on a row of chairs and Heikki and Kris near the side of the car laying semi on top of each other.

Christian sighed before reaching down and shaking Kris awake. "What Phil?" She asked grumpily. She pushed herself off Heikki's chest before opening her eyes.

"Oh. You're​ not Phil. Sorry Christian." She said yawning.

"Why are all of you here?" Christian asked slightly worried of what could have happened or wasn't finished.

"Britta at 4 am called because the car wasn't finished the 4 of us fixed it though. I may not be an expert but I do know some things. I only got back to sleep around 8 along with everyone else apperantly." Kris put on a smile and laughed a little. Christian laughed lightly.

Christian  knew that his new assistant was already amazing with the information as displayed in the interview but he didn't know if she could apply it or not.

Spencer then walked inside the garage. "What the fu-" He started before Christian slapped a hand over his mouth. "What's going on?!" Spencer asked pointing to the three sleeping figures while Aria was putting random tools away.

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