Day 1,Belgium

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--So now I am going in third person veiw all the way through and this is not following Kris' original plan for travel as you see. This is now following the 2014 F1 season schedule. But skipping Hungary. --

A little over a month they had all know each other. Over that month and summer vacation Sebastian, Heikki and Kris had not strayed far from each other. Britta and Spencer had been around offen too. The break had been busy, most if it trying to get Kris over Phillip that way she was her again and not a depressed shell of herself. In the end they succeed in the great task. This first race after the break would be busy never the less.

"They look adorable together." Britta referred to Kris and Heikki while leaning over a sleeping Spencer to talk to Sebastian.

Kris had her head up against Heikki's chest while holding on to his arm and one of their hands fingers interlaced.

"Yeah." Seb admitted. Probably cuter than how him and Kris would look. Heikki had admitted only after a week of knowing Kris that he had liked her. Admitted to Sebastian at least.

Sebastian had admitted that he liked Kris in five seconds flat. Admitted to himself that is.

Kris slowly peeled her eyes open and adjusted to her surroundings oblivious that Britta and Sebastian were looking at her.

Kris shifted slightly before looking at who was holding her, when she saw Heikki she smiled before cuddling closer.

Kris had admitted to herself that she had fallen for Heikki in two seconds flat. He was so alluring the blonde personal trainer with the Finnish accent. The accent and beauty was truly a bonus to his already stellar personality.

Heikki's personality while somewhat like Phil's, was different, a very good different.

Kris closed her eyes again as soon as Heikki opened his. Heikki looked around a bit before he turned towards Kris. He quietly stroked her hair and whispered things into her ear.

"Heikki!" Kris exclaimed after Heikki had finished whatever he was whispering to her about.

"You were awake?! You little shit! Your so mean!" Heikki yelled back a smile on his face the whole time.

"Yes! And I was quite enjoying the compliments you were giving me before you said that ending!" Kris said while laughing.

Heikki had whispered Sweet nothings into her ear then just started rambling on about random things that popped into his mind.

"I don't know it was just something I thought of in that moment!" Heikki said pushing Kris slightly.

Then the two registered how they were, hands interlaced, cuddling. Heikki was holding Kris as if she was his. It made him feel better that they were cuddling. Yet Heikki saw how Kris and Sebastian interacted, much like how Kris acted with Heikki but she seemed more interested in Sebastian.

Kris got off of the plane quickly. She was excited, one of her old best friends well her cousin moved to Belgium near the Spa track and she was seeing him for the first time in five years.

As soon as the group got through customs and got their luggage back Kris went on a search.

"Yo Kris!" The fimlar voice said. Kris quickly dropped her luggage and ran towards him.

"Dame!" She said jumping up and hugging him. "I've missed you so much! You grown so big! Awe I love you!" She exclaimed before kissing his cheek.

"Kris it has been too long! You saw me last when I was what? 16?" Damien said laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2019 ⏰

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