Day 3, Germany

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I woke up to a familiar voice falling my ears. "Hey Kris." Phil said stroking my face. I got up yawning.

"Phil?" I said hugging him. All the good memories coming back and all of the emotions. My love for him, my need for the one and only Phillip Michael Lester.

"I came here to say sorry. I shouldn't have done that, back at the paddocks. I just needed to see you." He said hugging me back. It was a tight passionate hug. Phil was always really adorable. "I still love you." Phil said resting his forehead on mine, his blue eyes looking into my brown ones.

"I do too. I still love you." I said before our lips both connected. It was full of all things pleasant. All of the emotions I had been missing. The sparks from when we were first together still there and brighter then ever.

"I missed this." Phil said laughing slightly as we pulled away for air.

"I missed this too. So much."

"I missed you" Phil laughed. I nodded before kissing him again. I know what I felt for Heikki was just a friend feeling. Phil the only person who I had really missed, always trusted. He was the most beautiful man on this world. I loved him completely. He loved me. I needed him. He was like a sanity pill that I had to take daily.

"I want it to be like it used to before." Phil told me referring to before the kids. To when it was just us and we were perfect together. When it was perfect. I missed those times too. Phil started lifting up my shirt while we kissed. Suddenly a knock on the door interrupted us.

"Kris you have to be at the track at four. So after the race. You can come any time before though." Seb called through the door.

"Okay!" I quickly yelled.

As soon as we heard footsteps walk away Phil spoke "Continue?" I nodded.

"I missed this." I said drawing shapes on Phil's now bare chest.

"I did too." He said nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck. "You should come back. Come home." Phil said.

"I can't leave my job. After 3 months I'll try and come back. Is that okay?" I asked.

"I guess, but I'll miss you." He shrugged.

"When do you head back?" I looked up at him.

"I don't know yet." He sighed. 

"Stay." I said simply.

"What?" Phil said propping himself up on one arm.

"Stay for a month or two. That way it won't be as long."

"I like that idea." Phil said smiling.

"Your perfect." I said poking his nose.

"Your beautiful." Phil said poking my nose.

"Well thank you, kind sir." I laughed.

"I don't want this to end. I want to be like this forever." Phil said looking up at the ceiling.

"You want to be next to me in a bed forever. Not to mention naked. I might get cold." I joked.

"I know a few ways to warm up." Phil winked. We both started laughing.

"I should get ready. Care to join me?" I asked Phil. He quickly nodded as we both got up. I headed over to my few dresser drawers and pulled out some simple jeans, a tank top and a Starbucks crop shirt.

"I'll get dressed in my old clothes I came here in don't worry!" Phil said. I grabbed out one of his shirts I took with me and threw it at him.

"I was wondering were this shirt was! Why did you take my blue heart shirt! You monster!" Phil said.

"It was my favorite shirt of yours." I answered simply. I started to make my way to the door when Phil stepped in front of me.

"Look I know this may be too quick. But I meant what I said earlier. I want this to last with you. If you want would you be my fiancé again?" He asked fumbling with his Jean pocket before taking out my old ring. A part of me thought that it was to quick and I should say no, but I knew what I wanted, what I really wanted, almost needed. I was ready to once again make a commitment to Phil. I already knew he was my world.

"I would love to Mr. Lester." I said smiling.

"Are we going to the track Mrs. One day Lester or no?" I nodded and took his hand which was out for me to grab.

"So you have a job with Red Bull now? And in Formula one. Congratulations." Phil said rocking our hands that where grasped tightly together back and forth as we walked down to the lobby.

"Yeah. It's amazing. I came here thinking that I would be very heartbroken and hurt. But then the man that I needed and wanted came here so I mean I'm good."

"Well back home there was this girl who after something horrible happened, went places. And there was this guy who missed and loved her so much that he went to where she was. In the end he got her back." Phil said giving me a child like smile. I quickly got us a taxi.

"You remind me of a child sometimes." I giggled.

"You remind me of someone beautiful." Phil said.

By the time we got to the track we had already exchanged many compliments.

"Hello Miss. Walsh!" Christian said smiling in my direction.

"Hello Christian! I would like to introduce you to my fiancé Phil Lester." I said smiling.

"Nice to meet you. Kris today all you have to do is make sure Seb eats well and healthily, usually stuff like this is Heikki's job, but I wanted to start you off easy."Christian told us exactly what to do then we were free.

We ended up taking Sebastian to a burger joint. After our meal which was awakard for some reason Phil and I headed back to the room.

"I had and really good time tonight." "I did too Mrs. One day going to be Lester."

"We should get married here in Germany. Tomorrow!" I said.

"I wouldn't mind that." Phil said.


"Its a deal. You become Mrs. Lester tomorrow." Phil confirmed. We both kinda flopped down on the bed. I fell asleep peacefully with Phil in my arms everything was okay.

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