Only Lonely

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Sometimes we’re so afraid to let it show

A stolen kiss so out of place

It wipes the smile right off your face

And when those feelings start

We let them go, let them go

Games we play, words we say

Cutting wounds that run so deep

Leave them all behind you

Bon Jovi – Only Lonely


Geviana stiffened visibly, and she turned a fierce glare toward Alyssa, “For your information, I want nothing to do with him, if he has anything to do with you.”

Christopher cringed as he walked up behind Geviana and Alyssa, who were both unaware that he had been listening to their conversation.

“I hired Geviana because I knew she could do a good job, and I’m glad to see that she hasn’t disappointed me,” Christopher said from behind the two ladies. Sauntering up, he lightly placed his hand on Geviana’s shoulder, giving her a smile he hoped was more appreciative and admiring rather than arrogant and cocky.

It must have worked because Geviana actually gave him a sincere smile that lit up her entire face, and for a second, Christopher could feel himself stop breathing. He stared at her for what felt like an eternity as she gave him a true smile that he wasn’t sure he had ever seen. Suddenly, all those smiles and flirty glances she had ever sent Alex or Christopher, for that matter, felt artificial. This was who she truly was.

She was radiant, and he was reminded of that energizing moment when he had first seen her at Kyle’s wedding. She was beautiful, and no one could ever doubt that. But Christopher had seen his fair share of beautiful women, so that was nothing new. It was that confident aura she exuded, and that soft, sensual vulnerability she hid beneath it all that drew men to her like moth to a flame.

Geviana felt her breath hitch as he stared at her with those disarming eyes of his. On first inspection, she thought his eyes were identical to Kyle’s, but now that he had turned his gaze on her, she was hit with the full intensity of his eyes. Stormy swirls of black and purple shot through his silvery eyes, and mixed around his blacker than night pupils. Kyle’s eyes didn’t have the depth that Christopher’s had. Whereas Kyle was shielded from the world, Christopher embraced it, letting every moment of pain, sorrow, and happiness take him fully. In short, he possessed the most captivating eyes she had ever seen.

Despite the fact that she had been annoyed with him all week due to his and Alyssa’s antics, it was nice to hear him compliment her work. What else did she have in her life besides her passion for decorating anymore?

Alyssa’s eyes narrowed as she watched the short silence fall between Christopher and Geviana. Geviana’s entire face was lit up in a glowing smile, and Christopher was staring at her so deeply, with a look of pure admiration in his gorgeous eyes. He had never even looked at Alyssa that way. Hell, she didn’t even know he was capable of looking at someone so tenderly. Most of the time he had a dark scowl upon his handsome face whenever he was with others. Not that it wasn’t handsome, but this was a new soft edge to a man she previously thought was made of marble.

Jealously prompted her to throw herself at Christopher once more. Only this time, she’d be a bit more discreet about it. Standing on her tippy toes, Alyssa reached her freshly manicured fingers up to Christopher’s tense shoulders and started to knead the hard flesh there. Even though he might not have wanted a massage from her, his muscles instinctively relaxed as she continued the massage. A slightly dazed expression came across his eyes, knocking his focus away from Geviana.

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