Be Still My Beating Heart

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I sink like a stone that’s been thrown in the ocean

My logic has drowned in a sea of emotion

Stop before you start

Be still my beating heart

Restore my broken dreams

Shattered like a falling glass

I’m not ready to be broken just yet

A lesson once learned is so hard to forget

Sting – Be Still My Beating Heart


“Stay still!” Geviana commanded as her fingers sifted through Christopher’s smooth dark hair, measuring the length on both sides to ensure they were equal. She was finding it increasingly difficult, when Christopher wouldn’t stop shaking and moving his hands about her body.

“I don’t want it to be too short!” Christopher wined, jittery about the outcome of his hair.

“You’re worse than a little girl, it won’t be too short!” Geviana scolded, but her expression softened when Christopher pouted up at her adorably. She stifled a laugh. If someone had told her months ago that she would have the unshakable Christopher Ridgel pouting at her, she would’ve slapped them silly.

“Because I look better than longer hair, don’t you think?” Christopher’s arms found their way around her waist, and he gave her a gentle squeeze that made her shriek. After much experimentation, he had found, to his delight, that Geviana was very ticklish. Since then, Geviana had begun to twitch uncontrollably whenever his hands even moved toward the general direction of her ticklish spots. He’d move his arms toward her only to swerve away at the last moment just to watch her squirm.

“Yeah, you do,” Geviana agreed, snipping off an a bit more of his hair, “but a trim is much needed.”

Bending down to meet him at eye level, she purposely avoided his silvery eyes which were piercing her much the same way they had on their first date.



He had been staring at her unblinkingly, which was quite the norm now, and by all means. Geviana should have been used to it. She sure as hell wasn’t. She was starting to get really sick of feeling unsettled all the time.

“What is it?” Geviana demanded, shifting uncomfortably in her short trapeze style dress. He had no idea how hard it was for her to get dressed for this date. She had spent hours tossing out outfit after outfit, trying to figure out what to wear for this date. Technically speaking, she hadn’t been out on a date in years. Especially not with someone who made her half as nervous as Christopher did.

No matter how nervous she was, however, she couldn’t help but feel a rush of exhilaration go through her. She didn’t realize that everywhere she went now. A gorgeous smile graced her usually indifferent face. There was a glow about her that made people look at her on the streets. Instead of seeing the cold, ruthless, bitter Geviana, they now saw the warmth and happiness that radiated from her. People thought she was in love.

After twelve rejected dresses and a little help from Ashley, Geviana had finally settled on the little black dress. Perfect for first dates. It was more of a soft chiffon that pleated at the top and was connected to satin straps, and the trapeze style made it loose around her body like a shift but it was beguilingly short, and it showed off her legs to perfection. She paired it with strappy silver heels and had put her hair up in a messy up-do with unruly waves occasionally coming free to caress the edges of her face.

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