He hates me

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John's POV

I didn't wanna stress so I told my boss that I will take a free day. I work over time some times. So I can get time off then my sons have free. So it will take this day back later in the week. I have enough free days ready so it's okay.

I drove to the church. I parked the impala on the other side of the street. I walked towards the church. I don't really know what to say to him. But if the reason he stopped being my friend is because of what Dean told me. I want to tell him I didn't do it, but he probably won't believe me. I know that guy had a problem. It just hurts that he believed him, and didn't think that I wouldn't do something like that. I walked in to the church. I didn't see him so I went to another priest, and asked if they new where he was. They told me where he was and I walked towards there. They said he was in a room. It looked like an office.

I knocked on the door. "come in" Chuck said. I was nervous before but it got worse now. I took a deep breath. I got ready to get yelled at or something. Because I don't know how he is gonna react. From what Dean said it sounded like he really hated me. I opened the door and walked in. he had his back to me. He turned around "h-" he started but stopped. "h-hi" I said. He looked I don't know. It was confusing but I know he wasn't happy to see me. "What are you doing here??" he said with an angry voice. I swallowed. Shit he hates me. In all the time we where friends we never fought. I.. have never heard him so angry ever and its towards me. I couldn't look at him.

"I..I-I c-came to say that I didn't do that. I could never do something like that to you. I..I think that your friend lied to you" I said. If I am gonna be honest I was scared of how he is gonna react now.  "Really you are gonna come with that??" chuck said.

"I am telling the truth. I.. " I looked up at him. "I don't know why you think I could do something like that to you. After all we have been through. You where my best friend" I felt my eyes start to get watery then I said best friend. "y-you where the only real friend I have ever had. I.." I looked away because my eyes was so watery. "I needed you and you left me all alone, because of what a friend you had for 2 months told you. You just left me without telling why. I have always thought you just didn't wanna be my friend anymore, because you realized I was not worth it. That's why Dean told your son that you hurt me, because I told him then he asked if I had friends in high school. Because he struggled with the same thing. I.. I am done bye" I said. I had tears down my face. They started to fall then I came longer and longer in the conversation.

"John pls don't go" Chuck said. I turned around. "I-I am sorry. I..I never meant to hurt you. I.. When he told me and my ex did too I believed them. I-I felt so broken that I couldn't get my self to confront you. But I should have, I am so sorry for all the pain I gave you" Chuck said. "I am sorry too" I said. I walked towards him and hugged him. "if you want to we can try to be best friends again" I said. "I would love that" Chuck said.

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