My Ex Named ?

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My Crazy Life As A Teenager

I don't own Naruto! If I did it wouldn't be called Naruto. I own Hula and other Ocs, but that is all!

My Ex Named ?


Wait, I know that voice! It's….him. "So Hula wanted to know if you want to get back together?". He thinks after he did I would want to get back together! I rather get drag down to hell from heaven! "What the hell you want!" I said furiously angrily to the phone, hoping to could punch him through it. "Whoa babe I just want to do what we use to do." I got mad and yell. "You bastard think I want to get back together with you! You cheated with me with my friend! MY FIREND! That seems pretty legit up if you ask me!". I kept on yelling until Konan said "Hula, who are you talking too?". I hung up on him, and said. "My ex….Rui". Silence fell between us, we were trying to talk but nothing came out. "We gone out for two years. It was the week of Christmas and his birthday was the day before.

Flashback (Hula is still telling Konan about their break up, but you will see more of it from her side. Like it is happening right now.)

I got a present for his birthday and Christmas! I can't wait to give to him and see his reaction! It's his 15th birthday (Note: Hula is 14). I got him a t-shirt of his favorite band, Blood Red. It's not a metal rock, it's pop. I couldn't believe it too! He said to go to the top of the light tower on the beach and wait there. The beach is on the right side of Godaigakuen. I wish I could have got him something better, but this is all I have for him. It's pretty dull for a gift, I bet he won't like it. I looked down at it and sighed. "He isn't go to like! He will probably hate it!" I yelled in disbelief and stomped to anger. "Who is "he"?" someone said behind me, thinking it was Rui. "Your present that I was going to give you" I said then turning around quickly to know it wasn't Rui. "Who are you?!" It was a man with blue hair with a brown sweater and black sagging pants. I suddenly blushed. What are you doing you baka! You have a boyfriend, and you love him...right? "What are you doing in the night with a dress like that on? Are you going to a party?" The man wondered getting closer. I blushed and didn't do anything, he was to cute (I was going to say sexy, but Hula was more "nice" to think that back then) to push away. My dress did look like a party dress, indeed. It was went over my knee caps, and purple with a rose near my shoulder blaze. "My boyfriend's birthday party, this is his gift," I said handing it over to him. "What is in it?" He asked. "A shirt after a band called Blood Red, it is his favorite band," I said taking it back. "Blood Red! Blood Red is a popular band, and it's shirts are like 60$!" "But I only got it for 6$!" I said in shocked. "He is very lucky to have a girlfriend like you, and beautiful," He said with a smile. "Wait are you flirting with me!" I yelled ready to hit him. "I'm just joking! But I'm true about you being beautiful" I blushed like mad. Got even more closer and I got even more red (I got really perverted there, but I'm going to keep it Teen!). "Well I got to go, what is your name? I'm Shinpi!" Shinpi said. "Hula! Nice to meet you!" I said back running off. Mystery, what a mystery he is.

At The Light Tower

I'm almost there! Only if this elevator will be quicker!" Hula said with no patience (Yes there is no elevators in light towers, but It would be hard to climb). I got to floor ten and ran to Rui. "Rui, I'm sorry to be late but I ran in to-" I saw Rui with Bi, my friend. He gave her a ring, more beautiful than the one he have me. She wasn't popular like me, but she was a bitch. I dropped my gift for him. I couldn't move, my legs was frozen. I wanted to move and break everything, but my body wouldn't let me. "Come on Tenshi! I want to hurt him!" "No Akuma, you will kill him if you do!" Wait, is that voices! It doesn't look like anyone else was here. I felt weird like I was slowing dying , but without the pain. Blackness, nothing was there anymore. I fell in a black room with another girl. "Who are you!" I yelled in panicked. "Calm down! I'm Tenshi, your angel/inner," A girl with a white dress strapless, going to her knees. White high heels with zippers, long sliver hair and her hair went in a ball at her shoulders, but still went to her ankles. I looked down, and I had a different clothes on. In front of me was a screen, big as the wall. I could see Rui and Bi shocked. I heard "You mess with Hula's feelings again! I'LL KILL YOU!". "What is happening Tenshi-chan?" I asked still looking at the screen. "Simple, Akuma took control over your body to get revenge on Rui. She knew that you wasn't going to hit him or anything, so she did this. What a reckless girl!" Tenshi said acting like it was normal.

Akuma POV (it is easier to do it this way)

I ran and tried to hit Rui, but I hit Bi. "You are weak, you know." I said. "Hula! What are you doing!" Rui said running to me. He tried to slap me, but just a simple punch, he was down. I smriked and pick up the ring he gave to Bi. "Hm, it is beauiful. That bastard is such a womanizer". My legs froze and I saw blackness. "Shit! I'm going back!" I got a quick glance of Hula, and fell to the black floor. Tenshi grabed my hand, and harshly pulled me up. "Hey! What are you doing!" I yelled in anger. "You baka! You could have killed him!" Tenshi said with anger. "If you have hurt him anymore, the baka would been in the hosipal and Hula would be in jail!" I got shocked of what she said. If I hurt him, I-I-I would put Hula in jail! "Stop being so reckless half of the time!" Tenshi was ready to slap me , and I didn't care. When I should have felt pain, nothing was there. I just saw Tenshi in tears. "Wa-wait Tenshi I didn't mean it! I just had to get revenge on him for doing that to Hula!" I tried to stop her crying, she just hit away my hand. "I-I k-kn-know y-y-you we-we-wer-were on-only tr-trying t-to th-that Ak-Akum-Akuma!"

Important message:

Sorry for the late update! Christmas coming up and stories are becoming hard to write! I'm trying to get back on the plan soon. I'm going to do a Christmas special for you guys! It is going to be upload on Christmas Eve or Christmas day. The reason I say the eve or the real day is because of one reason. I haven't written it yet! :P (Lazy ass!) After Christmas is over back to the regular updating! Oh yeah, my new story Sakura Haruno and The Clueless guys I was talking about. I finally uploaded! Not up here,on YouTube, Thewolfstarfire and it will show up as Hula Nani!


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