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Castiel looked from me, to Jack, then back to me again.

"Let's start with the basics. Jack, as we know, is your guardian angel. However, you Bexley, are his beacon. We refer to the human as a beacon for many reasons. For starters, once the bond between the angel and beacon is complete, the angel will always be able to tell where the beacon is due to specific magical signals that the human sends out. Each signal is unique to that specific person, so to the angel, it almost acts as a beacon of light," Castiel said.

I nodded.

Jack tilted his head a little. "What do you mean by bond?"

"An angel and their beacon are connected on a spiritual level. Usually, it was through the human soul and angel grace, but since Jack is a nephilim, the connection will be stronger since he has a soul as well. When the two first meet, this connection, or bond, sparks. Things begin to happen. For instance, when you were at the saw mill, Jack's angel sense were telling him that you were in trouble, and to get him there quickly, they were causing him pain. The closer he got to you, the more the pain went away." Cas paused, looking to Jack and to see if we understood.

When we both gave a small nod, he continued.

"Also, Jack was able to feel your pain. It doesn't last. But when you got hit on the head, Jack in turn felt a brief, sharp pain. This is caused by the bond that you two share, and it's his way of knowing that someone or something is inflicting pain on you. Once the bond is complete, this might also be relative to emotional pain. With you two, it most likely will. Now, the bond also acts as a telepathic link between the two, as you have already began to notice," he said.

"So that's why I hear his voice and it sounds echo-ey?" I asked.

"Yes. The two of you will eventually get the hang of it. It does have to be learned, but it usually doesn't take that long. Sometimes you can even do it unconsciously. For instance Bexley, it is possible that for short amount of time, Jack may end up seeing your dreams when you sleep. Now, just to see how far along you are with this,Bexley I want you to think of a very complicated number. One with at least 3 digits," Cas said.

I turned to Jack, thinking of a number and focusing on it.

The more I thought of it, the more it seemed to pulsate, almost as if it was traveling and sending out a signal.

Then Jack's eyes lit up. "71,456!"

Castiel looked at me for confirmation.

"He's right," I said.

"Good. It appears that the bond is strengthening, and the telepathy is continuing to develop. Now, on the topic of the bond. Just by being around each other, it strengthens. When the bond is complete, it will need to be sealed. This could be done by a number of ways, ranging from a tattoo to markings on the ribs," Cas said.

"Markings on the what nows?!" I said, making sure I heard that last part right.

"I don't want to hurt her," Jack said, catching the same point.

"That's not the point. Anyway, once the bond is sealed, nothing in this universe can break it. Not even death. Now, as far as the history of guardian angels and beacons goes, there used to be many, but they've dwindled down to nothing. In fact, the two of you are the first pair I've heard of in over two-hundred years. There have been cases where the two evolve into lovers due to how close the two are. To put it lightly, you two were literally made for each other. The universe made it so," Castiel said.

"Shit. That's deep," I said.

I couldn't believe that I was made for this, for Jack. As surprising as it was, oddly enough, it made me feel a little better about myself.

I actually had some purpose in this world.

"Finally, Bexley you can summon Jack from anywhere. You can either do it by saying his name aloud or through the telepathic link. The link will also never be unavailable. Truth be told, Jack could be in Heaven and still hear you," Castiel said.

"Wait, heaven is real?!" I asked, only to mentally kick myself as soon as the words left my lips.

"Right, sitting next to two angels. Duh. Sorry. Still kinda getting used to all of this," I said.

Castiel chuckled. "It's okay. Speaking honestly, you're handling the truth pretty well. Especially considering.... recent events."

My hand went up to my necklace and gripped the rings tight. Is almost sensing my emotional pain, Jack put his hand on me knee.

I looked to him, letting go of the necklace.

...... thank you .....

The corner of Jack's mouth went into a smile, letting me know that he heard me.

There were a few more moments of silence between the three of us, and then I yawned.

"Sorry. I think I just realized how tired I am," I said.

I glanced over to the window, and saw the sun beginning to creep over the horizon, the few rays breaking through the trees.

"Wow. No wonder I'm so tired. Anyway, help yourself to the food and drinks if you feel like it. Tv remote is on the coffee table. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to come wake me up. Night," I said to Cas and Jack before walking up the stairs.

I went to my room and turned on the ceiling, then crawled under the covers.

I closed my eyes, trying to sleep.

And soon enough, it came.

But it was no where near peaceful.

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