Start Of Something New

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And here it ends to give way for another chapter.
It had to end so early for me.
I had lived for years and this one was just some months
Yet I will miss this all.

Wandering through each room
Each memory flashes by.
Each lesson repeats in my ears.
I didn't know my soul had turned a little wise.

Perhaps a prediction was true
This year would bring a change.
Now I feel I am not the same anymore.
An eighth month chapter will be bitter-sweet.
From gloomy to cheery
I wonder why I never noticed it's magic.

But now it's time to leave.
Didn't do some things, but now shall do.
Won't repeat the same mistakes again.
And now I know why I spent those nights crying.
They were all lessons in disguise.

To all my silent companions-
The majestic hills and the starry sky.
I shall meet you down and not above.
Will you let your magic reach me the same way like before?
Will I explore my soul again?

Start of something new...

I am not ending Bhava. Bhava and Nritya will continue side by side. Nritya will be slightly different though.

And this poem is for the end of season one of my life. Well, you see having a transferable life is very unpredictable. You can be thrown to any city and and any state. For some it is torture but for me it's fun because you get to know so much. You get to know about people from different cultures and along with that you learn a very important skill--adjustment.

Yes it does feel sad when you don't have a permanent home or permanent friends but in life you gain some and lose some.

Smile, spread love and be kind

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